So your spouse may not be having sex with someone else, but they're spending a whole heck of a lot of time “just” talking, emailing and texting! You may ask “does that count as an affair”? Absolutely! An emotional affair, which is a close, intimate, emotional attachment is still considered an affair—an affair of the heart. And there are telling signs that an emotional affair … [Read more...]
Ask Dr. Buckingham: I Messed Up, but How Can I Get My Wife Back?
Hello Dr. Buckingham, I have been married for 7 years to a wonderful woman and we have 4 children. One child is in college, one in high school and the youngest children are 5 and 4 years old. I never was good at talking much and always kept things inside. I know my wife loves me, but I don't think that she is in love with me anymore. We had a good marriage, but I let myself … [Read more...]