There's a well known saying, "happy wife, happy life." I know some men who love it. But, I also know it rubs some men the wrong way when they hear it. Sure, they want to make their women happy, but how about their happiness. A happy husband is as important to a lasting relationship as a happy wife. Unfortunately, society often reduces the man's happiness to a sweaty romp under … [Read more...]
4 Creative Ideas for Bringing the Fun Back Into a Stale Relationship
Chances are you've heard of and probably taken part in some sort of annual spring cleaning. It starts with taking a look around your home and identifying areas rife with cobwebs, dust, and musty odors. You then begin the long, arduous process of scrubbing and cleaning. Sometimes, it seems the more we clean, the more dirt we find. Marriages can be that way sometimes. You go … [Read more...]
A Dozen Great Ways to Keep Your Relationship Fresh
As I reflect on my relationship (which I have been in now for over 16 years, more than a 1/3 of my life), I am so grateful for the fact that it doesn’t feel that long. In fact, the longer we're in it, the better it gets. And as I take a step back to reflect, there are definitely some intentional things that we did that have kept us both happy, fulfilled, and feeling like the … [Read more...]
10 Fun and Easy Ways to Celebrate New Year’s Day with Your Kids
Celebrating New Year’s Day with the babies can be big fun. Plan for lots of activities, yet be satisfied enjoying the ones you actually get to do. Have fun making memories. Take lots of pictures and laugh often. Make this big day even bigger by inviting another family with kids to join you. Your children will remember your family time for years to come. Create something … [Read more...]
7 Ways the BMWK Marriage Cruise Can Elevate Your Marriage – For Lovers Only
Whenever the subject of a cruise came along amongst family and friends, my husband and I were not quite sure we were interested in participating. When we heard about the BMWK Marriage cruise, we decided that we would make this our very first cruise experience. It definitely elevated our marriage to the next level. So I wanted to share these 7 ways to elevate your … [Read more...]
Doing These 3 Things in Your Marriage Just May Help You Live Longer
There are times in our lives where we get caught up in the routine and the mundane. It’s easy to live our lives and relationships on auto-pilot. We get up, have breakfast, make sure the kids get to school and we go to work. The weekend comes, we sleep in, maybe grab a movie, go to church on Sunday and then rest on Sunday afternoon to prepare for the grind on Monday. Life … [Read more...]
5 Things to Embrace While You’re Single
Some of you are single and ready for more in your life. That more may be a relationship or just being able to enjoy life at a greater level while you're single. Whichever it is, there are ways that can help you achieve that. You have to make sure you are focusing on the right things and not allowing negativity to get the best of you. Ignoring the pressure you may get from … [Read more...]