Leonore Draper, a 32-year-old Chicago activist, was fatally shot after attending anti-violence fundraiser that she helped organize. Draper was a freelance makeup artist and a budget analyst for the Chicago Public schools, but it seems like she was most known for her activism and dedication when it comes to ending gun violence in Chicago. No one is in custody for the crime … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Student Shot After Leaving School Due to Dispute With Staff Member
A New York student plans to sue the Department of Education due to him being shot following a dispute with one of the staff members at his school over bathroom privileges. Maurice Jones, a student at Brownwood Preparatory Academy, encountered “harassment” by a secretary who held the key to the restroom. Jones' multiple sclerosis treatment caused him to experience incontinence … [Read more...]
6-Month-Old Baby Dies After Being Involved in Shooting
When many of us look at babies we see promise. They represent our future and for many of us parents they represent opportunity --- a chance to do better and be better. We look at them and are reminded that our world, as scary as it can be, is still a beautiful place. We ooh and aah and we pray over them, our righteous seeds. We imagine what their life will be like and as we … [Read more...]
Argument At Chuck E. Cheese Spurs Gun Threat By Mom
A heated argument at a Newington, Conn. Chuck E. Cheese turned violent when a woman pulled out and loaded a semi-automatic hand gun before being arrested, police say. Thirty-year-old, Tawana Bourne attended the restaurant with her child on Monday night. For unknown reasons, an argument ensued with another mom, who was also with a child during her visit. The Middletown woman … [Read more...]
In Order to Fix Chicago We Have To Fix Ourselves
I've watched the heartbreaking stories on CNN and via Social Media and held my kids closer at night thinking, "That couldn't be my child." That was until last week, a 15 year old Honors student named Hadiya Pendleton was brutally shot in the back while trying to seek shelter from the rain. Hadiya could have been one of my kids. She was seemingly doing everything right (she was … [Read more...]
Saying Goodbye Again: Gun Violence Kills Chicago Woman’s Fourth Child
Imagine living your worst nightmare over and over. As parents no image is more horrific than that of your child, once full of life, now lifeless before you. If the world worked the way it was “supposed to” a parent would never out live their child. Children would grow up to become adults and then they would grow old. Sadly things don’t always turn out the way they are supposed … [Read more...]