We all love our kids. They add joy to our lives in ways that no one else can. But as much as we love them, doesn’t it seem like kids get blamed for a lot? Listen, I am guilty of it myself. My youngest is 3 and I am still blaming these kids for the extra weight on my body. I need to stop. I’ve had 3 whole years to pull it together. So why do we play the blame game with our … [Read more...]
Recipe: Delicious Fruity Green Smoothie
This delicious fruity green smoothie really does taste good! Many people are turned off by the color of green smoothies but not only are they healthy but they can taste good too! With the right mix of ingredients (and the right blender), you can enjoy being healthy! I often drink a green smoothie as a supplement to one of my 3 meals in a day. Or I will sometimes drink it … [Read more...]
10 Healthy Habits for Feeling Great and Living Longer
March means Spring is here, and it's also National Nutrition Month (NNM). NNM is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign is designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. We can all benefit from eating less … [Read more...]
Natural Help for Allergies and Asthma
Does your child or a child that you know suffer from asthma or allergies? Asthma attacks are triggered by things such as exercise, temperature changes and also environmental irritants. While there are some things you can't control, other things you can. As a healthcare professional and an asthma sufferer myself (along with my kids), I try to avoid certain triggers to keep bad … [Read more...]
February is Heart Health Month
February is Heart Health Month, so we're trying to get the word out to make sure that everyone, especially women, know and really understand the important facts about heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, 43 million women in the U.S. are affected by heart disease, and it is the cause of one in three women's deaths every year...ONE IN THREE! Here are a few … [Read more...]
5 Mistakes We Make When Trying to Be Healthy
'Tis the season to eat drink and be merry. You've had Thanksgiving dinner. And, next up are all the office and social holiday parties, not to mention the Christmas feast that awaits us all in just a few short weeks. Since eating is such a huge part of the American culture, we're ranked pretty high as one of the most obese countries in the world. If you're like me, then you … [Read more...]