It would take an entire book in itself to touch on every different communication style. If you Google different communication personality types, you’ll find a range of categories you can fall into that vary based on the system used or who came up with it. However, there are a few things that affect assertive communication in your marriage. They can also influence your … [Read more...]
16 of the Best Marriage Communication Tips All in One Place
It goes without saying that one of the key components to a healthy and successful marriage is positive and effective communication. Without it, arguments run amok and the relationship heads south fast. Increasingly though, more than 50% of marriages today fall victim to poor communication and either end in divorce or are at the edge of the cliff, barely hanging on. It doesn't … [Read more...]
Couples: 6 Common Mistakes that Can Lead to a Breakdown in Communication
Communication is such a key ingredient for marriage. And if you ask most couples what the main challenge is in the marriage, nine times out ten they say communication. And even if the issue is really something else, it seems like it's communication because they don't know how to talk to each other in order to get to a place of resolution. They start off discussing (or arguing … [Read more...]
5 Surprising Things You’ll Discover by Simply Observing Your Spouse
We often say communication is one of the biggest difficulties couples face. They struggle with arriving on the same page when the thoughts and forms of communication are so different. Sometimes we say certain words with our mouths, but our body language and facial expressions say something completely different. We all have to be careful about the message we're sending when … [Read more...]