We all know what happens when we fail to take care of something we love. It begins to change—no longer fresh or as strong as it once was. Whether it’s your hair, your body, your home or your marriage, failing to care for what matters most has negative consequences. And the lack of care doesn’t just happen overnight, nor is it always intentional. It’s something that builds up … [Read more...]
How to Discuss 4 of the Most Awkward Topics With Your Spouse
Relationship experts agree, healthy communication is needed if a couple plans to create a strong foundation for their partnership. It is definitely a key ingredient. And, is always recommended when we discuss family finances, when we disagree, and as we're planning for the future. A couple should be able to make requests and verbalize what's on their mind. In addition to the … [Read more...]
How to Enjoy Your Marriage
Once you start your new lives together, daily routines will start to make your marriage seem dull. You may feel like your marriage is boring and wonder if that is how marriage is supposed to feel. Well, I want to tell you that you can enjoy your marriage no matter how long you’ve been married. Below are some tips to help. Go on dates with each other. Visit a new restaurant … [Read more...]
5 Cures to Marriage Boredom
By a show of hands, how many of are experiencing some boredom within your marriage right now? Ok, don't fret, this one is for you! Keep reading. It's unrealistic to believe there won't ever be down times in your marriage. It happens to the best of us. There are moments where it appears as though nothing new or exciting is happening. It is usually the moment we start to … [Read more...]