Have you ever met an attractive person with great qualities and wondered why they’re single? I think most of us can say yes. Now, tell the truth: have you ever thought that something must be wrong with them because they’re single or unmarried? I’ve been guilty of this too, but this mindset is not towards every single person I meet. But every now and then I wonder: they’re … [Read more...]
He Is Fine as Idris Elba, but These 5 Things Let You Know If the Brotha Is Marriage Material
I'm amazed that many of the divorced women I work with knew before they got married that they were about to marry the wrong man. Some of them knew it on their wedding day; others saw signs when they were in the courtship phase. But all of them had one thing in common: Their fairy tale ended as a nightmare! I want to help you avoid marrying the wrong person by sharing with … [Read more...]