Woodworks, an independent record label based in Inglewood, CA, has created visuals for their original song, “Beautiful Boy." This single was written and produced by Daniel Farris, founder of Woodworks. The video not only hits home for the activists of today’s social issues, but also pulls on the heart strings of every mother. [youtube id="WWrhAJvzw4c"] This track isn’t … [Read more...]
The Best Christmas Gift for Your Entire Family (It’s FREE!)
Welp, it's Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is Christmas. I still can't believe how fast this year has gone by. In January I got engaged to the love of my life. In September, we jumped the broom. And now, here we are, preparing to celebrate our first Christmas together as a married couple. However, a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I noticed that neither one of us were in the … [Read more...]
Congressional Staffers Walk Out and Raise Their Hands in Support
On Thursday, a gathering of black congressional staffers and other Capitol employees walked out in protest of the recent grand jury decisions failing to indict the two officers who killed Eric Garner and Michael Brown. They raised their hands in the air, invoking the last words of Brown's "Hands up, don't shoot", protesting of the killing of unarmed black men by police. This … [Read more...]
School District Prohibits Discussions About Ferguson in Classroom
The superintendent of the Edwardsville school district in Illinois has ordered that discussions about Mike Brown or Ferguson, MO stay out of the classroom. According to KMOX News, Superintendent Ed Hightower says that there would normally be a discussion about current events in the classroom, but in this particular case, he will not allow it since there are so many unknown … [Read more...]
Isn’t It Time We Actually Talked About This ‘Race’ Thing?
Since August 9, 2014, news outlets, Twitter feeds and Facebook timelines have been inundated with the news of 18-year-old Michael Brown being shot down in Ferguson, MO by a police officer. Michael Brown was unarmed. For a moment, let's forget about the fact that Mike Brown was black and the officer was white. For a moment, let's just understand that Mike was a kid on his way … [Read more...]
Today Michael Brown is Laid to Rest
It's been over two weeks since unarmed teenager Michael Brown was shot six times and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, MO. Today, the young man will finally be laid to rest. Mike Brown's funeral services will take place this morning just before 11am at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Al Sharpton will speak at the service and some in attendance will … [Read more...]