Every person, every psychologist and every marriage counselor has an opinion on what makes a good marriage. Can we agree that part of a good marriage includes love, honesty and openness? However, does this mean should you know everything about your mate? Is it necessary to know all that happened in their life before they met you? Is it realistic to know your mate inside and … [Read more...]
5 Things Your Relationship Says About You
As a newlywed I’m reminded that my marriage says a great deal about my wife and I. We’re not alone. Relationships are one of life’s most precious resources and they require investments of both time and energy. Understanding the reflective nature of relationships is important because they provide important insight into our character, habits, insecurities, fears, flaws, and … [Read more...]
Ghost-of-Relationships-Past: Fear of Rejection
by Maureen Simmons I stared at my text inbox for what seemed like forever. New relationships are tough. And the older I’ve gotten, the more picky (or nit-picky) I’ve become. I know he’s busy, but really, how long does it take to pluck out 160 characters to respond to a text message? I’ve mentioned it to him--several times-- and his response is always the same. “I respond to … [Read more...]
Learning Your Lessons From Past Relationship Mistakes
by Grace Pamer We are all creatures of habit, aren't we? I don't know about you, but the "mistake cycle of life," as I call it and fall prey to time and time again, goes a bit like this: I make a mistake, I feel terrible, I vow to never do it again, time passes and the negative memory of the event fades, and I make the same mistake again. I may proclaim to friends and … [Read more...]