In part one of this two-part article series, How to Rebuild Marital Trust After an Affair, we zoned in on how the injured spouse could begin to heal for themselves and for their marriage. However, this is a two-part series because marriage takes two. In this second half, we will focus on how the cheating spouse can do their part to help their partner heal from their … [Read more...]
How to Rebuild Marital Trust After an Affair
As a marriage expert, I am asked the question - How do I rebuild my marriage after an affair? To many people, this is a logical question. But it’s the wrong place to start. If you are the victim of infidelity, the pain is all-consuming. Healing is a process and will take longer than you think. To make the healing process work, you want to focus on the decision to rebuild your … [Read more...]
30 Serious Consequences of Infidelity…Take Heed
Infidelity is by far one of the worst things that can transpire in marriage. Trust me, I know from personal experience! It violates everything built between you and your spouse in such a personal way. Majority of us who’ve been cheated on didn’t see it coming…I know I was blindsided for sure! “I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity … [Read more...]