You know who they are: your haters. And although they can actually push you to do better, sometimes, it gets frustrating when it seems like all they want to do is knock you down. They are envious of what you’ve accomplished, when in truth, they have NO IDEA what it took for you to get there. If this is your story, I can relate. Years ago, I was on the other side of that … [Read more...]
4 Tips To Help You Save Money and Eliminate Debt Before 2014
I recently hosted my first Twitter Chat on money management basics. One of the obstacles that many of us still face is reigning in our spending and paying ourselves first. Get a head start on your 2014 financial goals by being proactive about what you do with your money for the remainder of 2013. You still have time to do all of the following: Automate your Payments One of … [Read more...]
I See “Debt” People: 3 Habits of the Highly Indebted
The highly indebted by way of poor financial choices, consumer charging, and unrealistic standards of living come in an array of sizes, hues, shapes, languages, and ethnicities. Despite these superficial distinctions, there remains a unifying mentality and set of behaviors that unite this demographic. Their movements, habits of being, priorities, and ways of navigating have … [Read more...]
5 Simple Ways To Tackle Your Credit Card Spending
Over the weekend, I took a look at my last credit card bill and realized that I have been a bit too free with the plastic. With my husband’s most recent layoff, I realize that every penny counts toward my family’s financial goals and financial freedom. So, in the last 31 days, I racked up $500 in credit card charges. And NOT $500 spent on important things/necessities like my … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Grow Up in Your Marriage
One of my absolute favorite quotes about marriage was one I heard in the film, Still Standing, by Ronnie & Lamar Tyler: “The only way to know if you have unconditional love, is if conditions come to test that”. This quote is undeniably powerful whether you’re married or not. And if you've been married for any length of time, then you know that tests and trials are a natural … [Read more...]
5 Questions You Must Answer To Build Financial Intimacy in Your Marriage
Marriage is not only an emotional commitment, but it is also a financial one. When you decide to share your life with another person, you implicitly agree to share in collective expenses, liabilities, and windfalls. Whether you are recently married, recently engaged, or are a seasoned married couple, make sure that your shared financial goals will safeguard your family’s … [Read more...]
Couples Spotlight: Mike and Henrietta Jones
I love hearing other peoples' love stories and their thoughts and tips on what makes their marriages work. This week's spotlight couple has been together since their sophomore year of high school. Henrietta is a graduate of Morris College in Sumter, SC with a Political Science Degree, and works as an administrator assistant. Her husband, Mike is a graduate of Lees-McRae College … [Read more...]
The Love Risk I Almost Didn’t Take
Most of the time when people talk about taking a risk and stepping outside of their comfort zone, it is often times related to business/career goals. But when was the last time you took a risk on love? When is the last time you took a step way outside of your comfort zone all in the name of love? I’m not talking about sending a cutesy text or publishing a profile on a dating … [Read more...]
Is Your Mr. Right Also Mr. (Financially) Responsible?
Have you met a really nice guy? Smart, handsome, and adventurous. Congratulations! But before you start naming your children and picking out china, please be sure that this potential Mr. Right is also Mr. (financially) Responsible. How a man handles his current financial obligations and responsibilities is a key indicator of how he will handle money once you decide to commit … [Read more...]
5 Things I’ve Learned So Far in Marriage
I’ve only been married 15 years so I don’t consider myself a pro at it, but I have learned some things that may help you in your marriage. Below is a short list I’ve compiled. I don’t always have to be right. Being wrong in an argument is a learning experience for me. It hurts sometime when I am wrong, but I had to learn that I won’t always be right. My husband does know … [Read more...]
Are the Words, “I Love You,” Really All That Important?
Ever since I wrote the article "13 Ways I Promise to Love My Husband," I have been making a conscious effort and reflecting on those promises I made. I've honestly slipped up a few times in which my husband offered to print out the list and hang it up somewhere I could see it at all times (you know...just to spark my memory). But my reflections encouraged a conversation that I … [Read more...]
6 Ways I Improved My Life in 2012
When the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2012, I declared it a “New year, New me”. I knew that 2012 had to be different, better, more amazing than 2011. I went through an insurmountable amount of stress and anxiety when I was working for my last corporate job & made a decision to never go back to that. At the time, I had a lot of anger and resentment. I knew I needed to … [Read more...]
A Letter To My Engaged Self
We saw this awesome letter over at and had to share it with you. Rasheeda and Cory tied the knot in early 2011 and are celebrating their one-year anniversary this week. Rasheeda took the time to write a beautiful letter to her engaged self to let her know what she's about to step into: Dear Engaged Self, First things first, YOU DID IT! You crossed … [Read more...]
A Woman Among The Titles
by Caneeka Elleanor Miller I find comfort in knowing that I am not alone. I have taken a poll and the results are in"... There are times when I feel lonely. Before you get up in arms about that statement, continue reading. It's a feeling from the result of being away from my family and friends. I look at my son and I want him to be as involved with … [Read more...]
Life Comes Full Circle
by Shira Williams Every young girl's dream is simple: finish school, get a career, meet a guy, get swept off your feet, get married, have babies and a white picket fence all before the age of 25. It all sounds like the perfect script to a perfect movie, but it's not always how life works. I found that out very quickly. My background is no different than the next girl. A … [Read more...]