When it comes to dealing with conflict in marriage, the question is not if you will have conflict but when you will have conflict. After the "I do," conflict is a necessary part of even healthy marriages because no two people will ever agree on everything. However, many couples begin to "undo" the "I do" because they misinterpret Proverbs 20:3 and make the colossal mistake of … [Read more...]
5 Things that Will Ruin Your Ability to Communicate with Your Spouse
When I started dating my husband years ago, I remember getting so mad when he didn’t feel like discussing an issue that came up. I would keep asking questions and pushing the issue until he said something. The thing is, that rarely got me anywhere. He would get annoyed and shut down even more, and I would get angrier and ask more questions—until I realized I was talking to … [Read more...]
Changing Our Perspective Can Change Our Relationship
Our view of the world is what we hold to be true. Unfortunately our perceived truths can cause us to be judgmental, jaded, and detached. Over the course of our lives; our perceived truths provide numerous opportunities for us to accumulate a shipyard filled with the carnage from a lifetime of wrecked relationships, friendships, and partnerships. Simply put, our perceptions … [Read more...]
3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Your Mate Is Getting On Your Nerves!
“Why are you trying so hard to be mad today!?” That's the question my wife asked me. I don't know what it was, but for some reason everything she was doing was annoying me. I was being short with my wife and very passive aggressive, and NO my period wasn't on! It made me think about how when we begin our relationships, in our eyes, our mates can do no WRONG. But as we mature … [Read more...]
I Know You Don’t Want to Hear This, Guess What, Sometimes You’re Going to Have to Give In
There are some who struggle with the idea of being wrong or having to apologize. There are others who are stubborn as mules and will stand firm in their belief whether it's right or wrong. Even in a committed partnership, with the person they love, some people are simply not willing to "give in". They will stand their ground and fight, even when the fight isn't justified or … [Read more...]