I married my best friend. Not everyone gets to say that so I'm grateful. At the time my now husband proposed, we'd been dating for a year and a half. We got married four months after he popped the question. We didn't need anything too fancy, or pricey. Rather than simply prepare for a wedding together, we prepared for a lifetime together. That's what marrying your best friend … [Read more...]
Husbands: 5 Ways to R-E-S-P-E-C-T Your Wife
In a recent article, I offered up five ways a wife can show respect to her husband. Well, now, it's the men's turn. As it stands, respect is a two-way street. However, the respect from man to woman has somewhat of a different feel. As previously quoted from Ephesians 5:33, a husband "must love his wife as he loves himself." When you say to a man "respect your wife," you're … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Make Him Happy to Come Home…Every Single Day
A while back I wrote the article 5 Ways To Make Her Happy To Come Home, telling the men what they can do to put a bigger smile on the face of their special woman. Well it is only fair that I make a list for the women to read and embrace in regards to creating a happy home for their man. Some of the things are basically the same, and most can be applied to either gender. What … [Read more...]