Not for nothing, but sometimes, single people say stuff that makes married people shake their heads and say..."Yeah, that's why they're still single." One such young lady got some attention from KevOnStage when he highlighted her Facebook post in one of his videos. She stated that unless a man can afford a $3,500 engagement ring, he's not ready to get married. In fact, she went … [Read more...]
The 7 Types of Marriage Rings in Every Successful Relationship
I recently wrote an article about rubber wedding rings after seeing an NFL player wearing one on HBO's show Hard Knocks. Apparently, the company which sells the wedding rings somehow discovered my article, contacted me, and offered to send me some rings. A couple of weeks later a package arrived. When I opened the package I was surprised to see they hadn't sent a couple. … [Read more...]
7 Steps to a 7 Ring Marriage
Last week I shared with you The 7 Rings of Marriage. There were many couples who related to the article, and some who said they now viewed marriage from a completely new perspective. But one comment got me thinking. It came from a friend who said she incorporated the article into her prayers, by praying for a 7 Ring Marriage. Her comment led me to think, what exactly does … [Read more...]