[tps_header]With weeks away from 2017, we wanted to look back on the year of 2016. For many African Americans, there were several monumental events in 2016 that have influenced our world. We've had some highs (an introduction to the Simones) and some lows (the deaths of our legends). So here's our tribute to 2016. Let us know what moment in history touched you the most. 13 … [Read more...]
6 Possible Reasons Why Christian Men No Longer Want a Church Girl
Okay, fellas, please help the ladies out. I skated around this particular question in a previous post, but I see I just need to come out and ask the question. Christian men, what do you want in a relationship? With so many pastors and leaders dating and marrying women who are not known for being “church girls”? It causes Christian women to question, what are Christian … [Read more...]
Should Stepparents Post Pictures of Their Stepkids on Social Media?
I was surfing through Instagram when I discovered this: a picture of Russell Wilson and his stepson baby Future. https://www.instagram.com/p/BKmAjd6hZ4q/?taken-by=dangerusswilson Cute, I immediately thought, the little man is growing up. But then I started scrolling through the post's comments. And I can't say I was surprised that some people would hate on the picture (as … [Read more...]
If God Really Told You to Lead Her, Then Here Are 2 Critical Things You Must Know How to Do
I am really intrigued with this one. When I first heard the story that Seattle Seahawks’ quarterback, Russell Wilson, has a new girlfriend, singer Ciara, it didn’t register a blip on my radar of care or concern. Then when I heard they were trying not to have sex, I was like, “Why put that out there…so if you end up having sex, then the whole world is going to judge … [Read more...]
Let’s Talk About Sex: Little Known Tips For Discussing Sexual Health in Your Relationship
NFL star quarterback Russell Wilson and Artist Ciara were trending in recent news regarding their controversial decision to abstain from sex in their relationship. Though sexual abstinence is rare in celebrity relationships, they have definitely inspired singles and dating couples alike about having the mature conversation about sexual expectations in your relationship. When … [Read more...]