What's better than plugging a money leak? How about fixing a money leak and saving the planet at the same time. Your lead foot could be costing you at the pump If you're like me, you've scouted the area looking for the cheapest gas prices or perhaps you've used a smart phone app like Gas Buddy to direct you to Low Price Gas Nirvana. But for many of us, these bargain hunting … [Read more...]
Why Cutting Cable Will Save My Marriage (and Save Us Money)
By Kara I. Stevens Before I got married, I used to hear women talk about how hard it was to keep the passion going and the juices flowing in a marriage. I never understood what they meant, though. Not that I believed that the love in their marriages wasn’t real, I just (naively) thought the passion that my husband and I experienced during our days of courting and dating … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Good Wife: Tales of Being Married to a Penny Pincher
Does anyone remember Julius (Chris Rock's father) from the sitcom "Everybody Hates Chris"? His father was notorious for saving money at all costs and feelings of his family. We laughed as Julius accounted for all of the money he spent — down to a penny. We laughed as he imposed hilarious rules on his family in an effort to save money, much to the dismay of his … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Four Money Rules For A Richer 2013
With the New Year right around the corner, everyone will be looking to make fresh starts. Here are four simple money rules that could make 2013 your best financial year yet. Give every dollar a destination. Ever discover that you have more month than money? Ever wonder how all your hard-earned money simply seems to vanish? Control your money before it controls you by … [Read more...]
Money Monday: What’s The Secret To A Secure Retirement?
According to a recent survey by the Consumer Federation of America and Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, about half of Americans are behind in retirement savings and only 34% of Americans say will be able to retire by age 65. As a result, some of us are planning to work longer. But as Dan Kadlec over at Time magazine points out, 57% of people quit work earlier … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How To Make Sure You’re Not Working At Walmart When You’re 65
Just recently I checked into a hotel late in the evening. As I was getting my luggage out of the car I was surprised by the appearance of the bellhop. No, this wasn't a young twenty-something, but rather a frail gray-haired gentlemen. As he struggled with the weight of the luggage cart I couldn't help but lend him a hand. All the while I was thinking to myself, why is this … [Read more...]
11 Intelligent Ways To Save on Textbooks Without The Bookstore
Textbook prices tend to rise at four times the rate of inflation for an average of $900 per year. It doesn't take a college education to figure out there are alternatives to traditional outlets, but incoming freshmen don't always know the ropes. Here are 11 ways to save this fall -- none of which include shopping at the college bookstore. 1. Wait Until After You've Seen the … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Recession Proof Your Finances – Part 1
I don't know about you, but lately I've been keeping a close eye on my finances and trying to make myself feel as secure as possible. One big hole in my wallet is our grocery bill, which easily spins out of control faster than you can say, "Bagelfuls, 2 for $4." Here are a few habits I've picked up over the last couple weeks. See if any help you out and leave your own … [Read more...]