Time and time again we hear about how marriage is hard work. That said, we aren’t always faced with a message that has us running to the altar to marry someone. And, indeed, the truth is that marriage is hard work; I just can’t lie to you about that one. However, with the work that goes into it come incredible benefits. If you don’t believe me, you really have to shift your … [Read more...]
Here’s How to Determine if You are Giving the Best Version of Yourself to Your Family
As moms and wives we often say that we give our family everything we’ve got. Giving of ourselves until we are depleted is often talked about like some badge of honor women should wear. But is living like this really what’s best for our families—or ourselves? Are we truly there for them in the way they deserve? The Problem With Giving Your All Like many women out there, I have … [Read more...]
5 Unexpected Things that Can Threaten Your Happy Marriage
One of the most challenging things about marriage is developing the ability to successfully manage the unexpected. Your marriage can be going wonderfully and out of nowhere something happens that throws things off balance. And it usually isn’t some major incident or event that leaves your marriage in a weird place. Often times, the simplest day-to-day aspects of our lives can … [Read more...]
How Caring for an Aging Parent Changes Things
I’m a planner. I always have been. I need to know what I’m doing next week, next month, and next year. With age, the idea of uncertainty has become less unsettling. I’d love to say I figured out the beauty of flexibility on my own, but I didn’t. My kids and my mother taught me that. With two little ones, and an aging mother who needs me more and more with each day, my lack of … [Read more...]
Are You Teaching Your Partner How to Treat You?
If you’ve read many of my posts in the past, you know that I am big on self-care. I think we should all do things to nourish our minds, bodies and souls on a consistent basis, because without that, we begin to suffer. The suffering may not happen right away, but it comes with time. We all deserve more than that. When you hear the term self-care, you may think of things like; … [Read more...]
Why “You” Needs to Come Before Your Marriage
It can be hard to find balance in our lives. When you have a career, a spouse, and maybe even kids, giving everything and everyone what they need is tough. It often leaves us feeling discouraged and wondering how we will ever make things work without letting someone down. And then there is this whole notion of priorities. Of course, having a list of priorities is incredibly … [Read more...]
11 Ways to Cheer Yourself up When You’re Feeling Down
Lately, I've had a persistent case of the sads. Over the last several weeks, I'd stopped answering most calls from friends and family and become increasingly recluse. It came to a point where my friends threatened to show up at my house and force me out (one of them may or may not have actually done this). I know I'm not the only person in the history of ever to experience … [Read more...]
Parents Do You Take Better Care of Your Children Than Yourself?
Parenting is serious business. There are quite a few responsibilities that come along with such a significant role. We are solely responsible for the adults our children will become. Many parents understand that truth and act accordingly. Yet, others take the title lightly and won't always recognize the consequences of poor parenting. At the same time, some parents … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Moms Lose Their Sanity and How You Can Keep Yours
This past weekend, I got to do something I rarely get to do but love to do...go out dancing. I went out to celebrate a good friend's birthday, and it was so fun to get dressed up to hang out with some great friends. Usually when I take time to hang out with my girlfriends, it's set around food and usually low key. But I love dancing and was so grateful that my hubby made sure … [Read more...]
How to Be the Woman He’ll Always Come Home To
Earlier this year I went away for a weekend to spend time with my girlfriends. It was amazing! We did all of the things women tend to do when they get together. We ate well, drank wine, laughed, cried and shared our hopes and dreams. My spirit was so refreshed and energized when I returned home. As a busy wife and mother with a thriving career, it was nice for me to just be … [Read more...]
I Cannot Lose Weight For Him or Them – Followup
I Cannot Lose Weight for Weight for Him or Them - Followup When I wrote the first article on this subject a few months back the response was both overwhelming and encouraging. Losing weight challenges many, many women. It’s something some face every morning and every night. Or perhaps you act like the weight issue doesn’t exist – Been there, done that. If you are … [Read more...]
4 Simple Ways to Say No to Others so You Can Say Yes to Yourself
I don't know about you, but saying no to people has always been a struggle for me, up until a couple of years ago. A couple of years ago, I decided that I was going to start taking better care of myself, and learn how to make myself a priority. Making myself a priority meant that I had to start learning how to say "no". It meant that I had to realize that other peoples' … [Read more...]
14 Ways I Promise to Love Myself in 2014
I recently received an e-mail that talked about the importance of the number seven, and it's use of over 700 times in the bible. It is the number of spiritual perfection and completion. I truly believe that anything you want in life, starts within you. Your belief, your mentality, your inner circle and anything that influences your thoughts and actions all play a role in how … [Read more...]
Attention All Mothers: 4 Tips on Taking Care of Yourself
This past weekend I had an opportunity to attend a retreat just for moms. The purpose of the retreat was to force moms to do something most of us rarely ever do: take time out for ourselves and make ourselves a priority. Some people may think they make themselves a priority, but they really don't. Can you think of ten things you love to do -- without the kids or spouse? When … [Read more...]
I Cannot Lose Weight for Him or Them
It has to be for me and on my terms. I CANNOT lose weight for him or them. This is very personal. I am actually surprised that I am sharing it. You know that a woman’s weight is one of those subjects that is just off limits unless you are talking to your close friend or your mother. And for many of us, this short list includes our husband. I can talk to my husband about … [Read more...]