It is often said to make time for date night within your marriage. Go out and spend some alone time with each other. I totally agree. I encourage you to get alone time with your spouse. Hire a baby sitter or pack the kids up and take them to grandma’s house for the afternoon. Even with date night, keep it fresh. Think of things to do that you have never done before. If you … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Single Dad Returns Home from Duty to Surprise Daughter
Air Force Sergeant Wil Alteus was living in New Jersey as a single parent with his daughter, Lyrique, when he was called overseas for duty last August. Nine months later Sgt. Alteus teamed up with Lyrique's school to make a surprise return. Once called, Alteus sent his daughter to stay with his sister, Kinley, in Florida. Neither Kinley nor Lyrique knew when he would be home … [Read more...]
How I Pulled Off a Surprise Proposal at the Chrisette Michele Concert
I have been dating Tawanna for about a year and a half. Once I knew she was the one, the next step was to decide how to make the proposal happen. There’s a creative side to me that wanted to do something that had never been done before, or something elaborate and entertaining. I also considered maybe it would be best to keep it private and personal. I struggled with a … [Read more...]
VIDEO: News Anchor Reads Own Proposal on Teleprompter
We’ve seen some really fun videos of what happens during the wedding ceremony and reception lately. However since it is "National Proposal Day," we figure why not share a video that captures what some might consider to be the start of the journey to wedded bliss --- the proposal. The video below is of a news anchor who ends up reading what is the start of her boyfriend’s … [Read more...]
2 Ways to Add Some Spontaneity to Your Relationship
Looking to reconnect with your spouse? As spring draws near consider the new season a chance to try out some new things when it comes to your relationship. If you are married, perhaps now is the time to bring back some of the spontaneity that was likely present back when you were simply dating, before the challenges and responsibilities of life caused you to force fun to take a … [Read more...]