"You need to get on it; you're going to be 30 soon." If you're not age thirty yet or have reached that decade of your life already, you've probably heard something like that statement before. For some reason, age 30 seems to be the start and the end for many things in life for men and women. From a woman's perspective, if you're not married by 30 you have even more pressure … [Read more...]
Stop Getting Married Because You’re in Love
by Alexia Wood What did she say? Is she crazy? Of course you ought to get married if you're in love? Like she lil mad or wah? Say what? YOU HEARD ME! "Oh we're in love". This statement has been responsible for many a divorce, broken homes and dissolved relationships.... because as many as have fallen IN love have fallen OUT of love. So why would you base your … [Read more...]
Why You Shouldn’t Give in to the Pressure to Get Married Until You’re Ready
Do you hear that? Lean in and listen a little closer….That’s the sound of your family members and friends whispering the all too familiar in your ear: Girl what are you waiting on, you know you aren’t getting any younger!?” Or what about this one, You haven’t married that girl yet? I can see you right now rolling your eyes and thinking…”I wish they would shut up … [Read more...]