Patience is a virtue, but it can sometimes be useless when you're waiting on God to send you the man that he has for you. Though you realize waiting on God is best, you may be overlooking things that are defeating the purpose of the process. It happens to a lot of people, and there is a lot we can learn from the mistakes made. Here are three things to consider that may be … [Read more...]
Single and Dateless? No, You’re Not Hopeless; You’re Reserved by God
If there's one prayer I've been certain of speaking often these days, it's the prayer for the Lord to help me stay hidden. I don't want to stay hidden as if I'm afraid to be seen by men but in terms of keeping me from the wrong men. I pray He reserves me for the man that He has in mind for me. God proves to us time and again that He loves us, protects us and preserves us. … [Read more...]
Single Ladies: Stop Looking for Boaz! Ask God to Send You This Kind of Man
If you're a single Christian woman who has spent any time in the church, you've probably been taught to pray for your Boaz. In sermon after sermon, you're told that Boaz was a handsome, wealthy man who pursued Ruth and married her because she was willing to wait for him. You may have even been taught to kick Boaz's cousins "Broke-az, Po-az, Lyin-az, Cheating-az, Dumb-az, … [Read more...]