In a now-viral video, Kourtney Jorge, asked her ex-boyfriend Leonard why he cheated. The video was a lesson in vulnerability as we watched Kourtney cry her eyes out when Leonard revealed that he had cheated with so many women during their relationship that he couldn't keep count of them. When asked why she forgave after catching him in the act, Kourtney replied, "You are my … [Read more...]
“Men Cheat Because They’re Dogs. Women Cheat for Revenge” But Do They Really?
The quote from the title was boldly stated by a dear friend during a recent conversation on dating and marriage. I’m sure it came as a result of frustrations over the whole dating scene. While this friend shared that truth from her perspective, another shared that she will always feel like a man will cheat on her, even a potential future husband. Her comment was of course a … [Read more...]
It’s Not You, It’s Men: Rev. Run and Tyrese Discuss Why People Cheat, So Here’s What to Do About It
On this week’s episode of It’s Not You, It’s Men, Tyrese & Rev. Run discuss: Why men cheat? Prior to the start of the show, 89% of the studio audience polled admitted to being cheated on or having cheated in a relationship. This kicked off the dialogue of why men cheat. What follows are arguments and counterarguments on the topic: Men are wired that way Tyrese stated that … [Read more...]
3 Startling Reasons He Cheats and Why He Refuses To Stop
First, let me give a very important disclaimer. I do not support cheating by any man for any reason. It is the highest order of treason as well as an act of cowardice and selfishness. It is also a clear indication that a male is misguided in his understanding of the role that manhood requires of him when he chooses to pursue a relationship with another woman. The following … [Read more...]
Does a Side Chick Really Make it Possible For a Man to Stay Married?
I found this statement left on an article I had posted on BMWK just recently. I thought it was interesting and wondered if the idea had any truth to it. Of course it is a very powerful statement, one a lot of wives don't necessarily want to hear or think about. However, could it be true? Are there really men who are able to maintain a marriage because they have a side … [Read more...]
10 Risks of Infidelity and How to Prevent It
Research from the American Psychological Association, the Journal of Family Psychology and Science Daily presents alarming and definitive evidence that the majority of married men will cheat on their wives. The rates of divorce are just as alarming. The research indicates that 30 – 60% of all married individuals will engage in infidelity; that nearly 50% of all marriages end in … [Read more...]