My wife and I have magnanimous goals we believe God has given us as a couple to accomplish. After getting married we discussed our passions and goals in order to better understand why God brought us together, and to be able to push each other to achieve them.
Many couples marry without truly having the discussion of “Why did God bring us together?”. Yes, to love one another, but also to love one another to action. That action involves fulfilling the purpose of God for your life. We knew if our goals could be accomplished on our own, then they weren’t big enough. We set goals that require God’s empowering, in order to accomplish it. That empowering in the bible is called, “the anointing”. The anointing is God’s presence by way of the Holy Spirit.
Depending on your church background, the term, “anointing” will mean different things based upon how your church taught it. Most attribute it to a preacher preaching intensely, or a singer singing passionately, but when it comes to our every day tasks we do not embrace the concept of being anointed for something. Biblically the anointing was used to set a person apart for a specific reason or purpose.
Jesus states in Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has ANNOINTED me to preach the gospel, heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. “
We find in this passage of scripture Jesus was ANNOINTED, which means empowered by the Spirit of God to do specific things. God has called you and your spouse to dream big dreams, and to accomplish much for His glory. It is with the empowerment of God’s anointing that you will do those things.
A godly marriage must have the anointing to see the plan of God fulfilled in their lives.
Finally, here are 5 questions to help you discover why your marriage needs to have God’s anointing.
- What are the dreams you and your spouse have that require God to see it fulfilled?
- What do you and your spouse love to do for others?
- What is your role in your children’s life in regards to preparing them for their purpose?
- What are the top conflicts/issues affecting your marriage?
- What do you want to be known for when you leave this life?
After answering these questions you will now have a foundation for why you need to have the anointing in your marriage. The anointing will equip and empower you to do what you are not able to do in your own strength. Lastly, it will unify you and your spouse towards a common goal of serving God together. You’re better together!
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