By Alyssa Rachelle
My mom called with unfortunate news: one of her friend’s passed away from cancer. While being consoled, the grieving widow mentioned that, ‘this was supposed to be the Golden Years for us’ – retiring together, growing old together and enjoying grandchildren. My mom responded with inquiries about how they spent their years together: Did they have fun? Did they create memories? Did they spend valuable time together?
The widow replied yes to all.
This prompted me to think about my marriage. We’ve only been married for 10 months but I’m learning to truly appreciate all of the little things: our conversations, our growing pains, our mini vacations or simply lying next to each other.
The conversation with my mom made me realize that it’s not the length of time you spend on earth with each other but what you do with the years that you actually have together.
Below are ways to truly create your Golden Years sooner than later:
1) Take time for each other
With work, kids and household chores dominating your hours, it is too easy to put quality time with your spouse at the bottom of your to do list. Make this more of a priority by setting weekly date nights. Choose dates that are not complex or expensive like watching a movie at the house or going outside to catch the latest astronomical phenomenon.
2) Appreciate one another
We all know that marriage takes work but it should be FUN work. Try not to let your minute disagreements interfere with the big picture – a great union. As soon as you begin to complain about something your spouse did (ex: constantly leaving the toilet seat up or blaring the television too loud) realize that you might miss those annoyances one day. Life is short.
3) Don’t worry
You cannot truly appreciate the present when you worry. Of course you two will have serious conversations surrounding planning for the future, finances, your children’s future, etc. but try to create limitations for those conversations limiting the amount of time spent on those specific topics.
BMWK: Do you take the time to cherish the small things and enjoy the present?
Alyssa Rachelle is a writer, film producer,, and co-host of business video podcast Entrepreneur Decoded,
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