Since we launched the new BMWK Resource Guide the feedback has been absolutely amazing! Each week we will share the resource guide’s top 5 marriage resources.
Anointed Wives Ministry
The “Anointed Wives Ministry” of South Holland, Illinois helps women prepare for marriage, repair and enrich their marriages via social media, workshops and boot camps and weekly prayer calls. Click here to join this phenomenal movement.
How to stay Married for at Least 100 Years
Is your marriage is in the middle of a storm? “How to stay Married for at Least 100 Years” is a must read. This book provides key examples of how Biblical couples handled similar situations. Every answer to today’s marital problems can be found within its pages. Click here for more information.
Staying Married God’s Way Couple’s Retreat
Every couple needs time to regroup and rekindle their love. The “Staying Married God’s Way Couple’s Retreat” is a wonderful weekend getaway that offers the chance to work on relationship fundamentals, parenting, finances intimacy and more. Click here to attend this couples weekend getaway.
A 31 Day Marriage Devotional: Two Paths, One World
Are you angry, hurt, depressed or even considering divorce? Learn how to turn your world around with “A 31 Day Marriage Devotional: Two Paths, One World.” Through practical steps and words of encouragement you can take your marriage to the next level. Click here for more information on this daily devotional.
Sydney’s Book Club
“Sydney’s Book Club” is the place to be! Join the coolest Mom’s Club set in a playgroup type of environment and encourage your child’s desire to read and strengthen their vocabulary all while creating positive parent/child interactions. Click here if you want your child to learn and love reading.
Want your marriage/family product to be listed on the BMWK Resource Guide? Click here for details.
More fabulous resources are waiting for you on the BMWK Resource Guide. Visit to view all of the books, dvds, events, counselors, websites, and more that will help you build a strong successful marriage!
BMWK — Do you have a resource available that helps marriages, relationships or parents? Is it listed in the BMWK Resource Guide?
Fabulous resources available on the BMWK Resource Guide to help you in any stage of your relationship.