Our friends at Black and Missing Foundation Inc., realize that Halloween is a fun time for kids, but it is also an important time to be extra vigilant for possible safety hazards so that your children have a fun and safe Halloween. Here are some tips:
Never go inside someone’s home.
Never accept a ride in a car.
Only approach houses where the outside lights are on as a signal of welcome.
Bring bags home to be checked by an adult before eating a single treat.
Children should carry a flashlight and their costumes should be bright-colored or have reflective tape to highlight them.
If your child wears a mask instead of make-up on their face, double check that the eye holes are large enough to see through clearly.
Smaller children should always be with an adult. It’s best to take little ones out early.
If older children are going out without you, go over the ground rules first!
Know what neighborhoods they will be in.
Don’t allow them in areas with which you are not completely comfortable.
Have children stay in a group.
Let them know what time to be home.
Give them a Cell phone!
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