Episode 6 Debuts Monday March 10, 2014
Click here to see the previous episodes.
From Janks Morton:
“This week’s episode is to show how the symbiotic relationship between academics, media and the non-profit industrial complex skews and reports data that largely goes unchecked and distorts the narrative about the state of Black America. Seldom if ever are citations, sources or sampling questioned because of “academic courtesy,” allowing researchers to report findings as settled science while the methodology goes unchecked. Be incarceration rates, dropout rates or any other assumed social deficit Blacks are facing, academics do the research, the media takes the headline and advocates garner funding in this sinister and cyclical vice about the necks of African Americans.”
Demographic Patterns of Cumulative Arrest Prevalence by Ages 18 and 23
Link: https://cad.sagepub.com/content/early/…
Starring Janks Morton
Twitter: @janksmorton
Produced by Lamar & Ronnie Tyler for BlackandMarriedWithKids.com
Twitter: @blackandmarried
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