If you didn’t have a reason to go vegetarian before, you might have one now. After public outcry, fast food giants like Burger King, McDonald’s and Taco Bell removed ammonia-treated meat, known as “pink slime”, from their menus. However, if the USDA has its way, it might show up in elementary, middle and high school cafeterias across the country.
From The Daily:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s continued purchase of so-called pink slime for school lunches makes no sense, according to two former microbiologists at the Food Safety Inspection Service.
“I have a 2-year-old son,” microbiologist Gerald Zirnstein told The Daily. “And you better believe I don’t want him eating pink slime when he starts going to school.”
It was Zirnstein who first coined the term “pink slime” after touring a Beef Products Inc. production facility in 2002 as part of an investigation into salmonella contamination in packaged ground beef. In an email to his colleagues shortly after the visit, Zirnstein said he did not “consider the stuff to be ground beef.”
Made by grinding together connective tissue and beef scraps normally destined for dog food and rendering, BPI’s Lean Beef Trimmings are then treated with ammonia hydroxide, a process that kills pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli.
The resulting pinkish substance is later blended into traditional ground beef and hamburger patties.
For retired microbiologist Carl Custer, a 35-year veteran of the Food Safety Inspection Service, the idea of mixing in BPI’s Lean Beef Trimmings into more nutritious, pure ground beef was itself problematic.
“We originally called it soylent pink,” Custer told The Daily. “We looked at the product and we objected to it because it used connective tissues instead of muscle. It was simply not nutritionally equivalent [to ground beef]. My main objection was that it was not meat.”
BMWK Family, how do you feel your child potentially being exposed to this “pink slime”?
Sigh. The attack on our children continues. You can bet this stuff will be front and center at urban and low income area schools. Who knows what this poison has the potential to do to our kids? Or more precisely, who is hiding what they know this poison will do to our kids? I send lunch to school, but I can’t be sure my kids aren’t eating school lunch on occasion.
Yahoo also posted a video from Chef Jaime this morning about this same article and I’m grossed out sitting at my desk. I’ve never been a big beef or pork eater, but sometimes I would indulge in a cheeseburger or bacon and now that I’ve seen this video, I’m going cold turkey! No beef or pork will make the entrance to my home ever again!