All too often this kind of frantic family schedule is the sad reality of today’s families. The busyness of family activities like homework, playtime, church activities, social events, sports, careers, furthering your education and more can get hectic. Activities pile up and often take over in the family, and worse, DISTRACT YOU FROM YOUR MARRIAGE. Our marriages sadly become an afterthought, simply another activity to add to the growing list of things to do.
After God, your marriage needs and should be the #1 priority over all those things. Those extra curricular activities aren’t BAD, they just can’t step in front of what’s most important, and that is and should always be your marriage and it’s health. Nurturing and keeping your marriage healthy over all-else makes managing those things a little easier.
It’s not often that marriages drift into health. In fact, it is common for them to drift into an unhealthy, disconnected state leaving the door wide open for unhappiness, miscommunication, emotional affairs, pornography addiction and bad influence to settle in.
If you can relate to these characters at all and feel the disconnection in your marriage… then you need to make reconnecting a serious PRIORITY. The stakes are high and your marriage is worth it. Reprioritize and reconnect.
Here are six tips to help you reprioritize and reconnect:
1. Schedule a date, a night out. A real one. Not just dinner, but dinner and a movie, jazz, a play or hiking, etc. Get out, talk and connect with your spouse.
2. When you do talk, don’t talk about the kid’s activities and the schedule. Talk about your hopes, fears, dreams, what you love about each other, where do you need help, what concerns you, what’s going on at work or with friends. Reconnect, and make it about each other.
3. Make intimacy a priority in your schedule again. Often when families get busy, intimacy decreases. People need love, emotionally and physically people need love in their relationships. Do not make it an afterthought. Scheduling it is even better than not having it at all.
4. Take time out together at home. Spoon, cuddle, watch TV or a movie, take walks, read together, whatever! Kick the kids out and spend time together often. Your children will thank-you years later for modeling a good marriage for them.
5. Talk to your kids about the stress that all of the activities are causing the entire family and tell them to pick one or two. This is reality. Be encouraged to turn their desires to do everything into a life teaching moment where they should choose wisely based on the resources and time they have available.
6. Have the children help out early by learning to do chores and assist one another. Even at the toddler age, you can introduce a small task such as taking a milk carton to the recycle bin. Later, chores don’t become a shock to them when you really need them to help out.
Could you relate to any of the characters in the movie? Do you need to take time out to reconnect in your marriage? What things are you managing well in the family’s schedule? What things are you managing poorly?
Marriage Pressure Points, is a ministry that has a heart for broken marriages, and is giving hope to restore these marriages.The ministry is made possible by the support of those who have a similar heart and hope for the restoration of these marriages. You can help and view more videos by subscribing to their YouTube channel.
The video was very inspiring. It really hit home!
This video really hit home. I enjoyed watching it. It makes me think about my husband and how much I appreciate and love him. We drifted apart but I pray that we’ll be soldered back together as ONE. I love you DP3! ?