Before I got married I wrote a post entitled “30 Year Old Virgin: Why I’m Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex“. It. Went. Viral. I still can’t believe I was actually scared to hit publish and even contemplated deleting the entire post. Boy am I glad I pressed pass my fears and realized God wanted me to share my story. The next morning I woke up to a variety of tweets and comments from people who deeply appreciated my post. One day later a producer from New York City emailed me, wanting to chat about a potential opportunity for me to share my story on a reality show entitled “Virgin Coaches”.
My initial thoughts about her email consisted of a big fat “NO”. Why? Being a virgin in today’s society is almost unheard of, and I refused to be made a joke of or have my Christian faith to be made a mockery of. However, after an intense discussion with multiple producers, Steve and I decided we wanted to be apart of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Here’s why:
- The virgin coaches, Bill and Janean Fuller, are Christian sex therapists. If you’re like “what the heck is that?”, you aren’t alone. I had no idea that such a thing existed as well, but it does. As someone who grew up in the church simply hearing “Don’t have sex before marriage”, I figured it would be wise of me to attend their retreat and get as much wisdom as I can two months before jumping the broom.
- I was a 30-year-old virgin who barely spoke to my parents about sex growing up, and by barely I mean NEVER. And let’s be honest, sex education in high school was a bit awkward and the lessons I learned from the media lacks credit. It was time for me to get a proper understanding of the birds and bees.
- In my Martin Lawrence voice, “This face belongs on the tizube”. I’m kidding, but as a writer working in media, it’s a dream of mine to work closely with television networks. TLC is a great start, if I do say so myself. Prayerfully this door will open more doors.
- Last but not least, it’s a conversation that needs to be had. I must admit, at first I was apprehensive about talking about sex on national television. However, I thought about how much sex is discussed in a mannish manner in today’s society, and became even more passionate about sharing our story. Why is it okay for media to promote raunchy sex inundated messages, but it’s weird for couples who are waiting for marriage to attend a sex retreat to learn about romance the way God intended it? Things that make you go hmmm…
Enough about all that. Did you catch last night’s debut of “Virgin Coaches”? If so, what did you think? If you have no clue what I’m talking about, here’s the trailer. Check it out:
Be sure to check us out every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. (CST) on TLC. Also, be on the lookout for more posts about this experience and life after 🙂
BMWK: Did you watch Nikki on TLC? What did you think?
Great message that needs to be preached from the mountain tops and in the valleys! A colleague also questioned why our school would promote a LGBT club, and not a Christian one. Hmmm indeed.