Are you aware of the correlation between exercise and your love life? According to Femista Jones, “You can experience increases in both your libido and stamina if you incorporate regular exercise into your normal routine.”
As referenced in the Ebony article, according to the Office of Minority Health, 80% of women and 70% of men are overweight. With regards to the African American population 49% of adults are considered obese. While a significant amount of attention is given to heart disease and diabetes that tend to be associated with poor physical health and/or obesity, there isn’t as much focus on the role it has when it comes to intimacy. Femista Jones notes being overweight might affect self confidence. In turn it might be harder to connect on a more intimate level.
There is a possibility that If you aren’t feeling good about your appearance or feeling physically healthy you may be more likely to distance yourself from your spouse in an effort to avoid intimacy. Instead of further distancing yourself or feeling uncomfortable in the bedroom consider making changes to your diet, including eating foods that are known aphrodisiacs, and incorporating exercise in your daily life. For more on this story visit Ebony.
BMWK — Do you think your appearance and the way you feel physically can impact intimacy?
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