Are you ready to take a break from dating because you’re tired of the emotional roller coaster? Let’s face it. Dating and relationships are filled with ups and downs and twists and turns. It’s a journey that is unpredictable because you can’t always know for sure how it’s going to end.
Will you ever meet The One? What if your dream man turns out to be a nightmare? What if marriage takes longer than you’d expected?
If you’ve been struggling with thoughts like these, I’d like to offer 3 tips that will help you deal with the emotional roller coaster of dating, put an end to your frustrations, eradicate your fears, and help you have more joy and confidence in the process.
1. Persist
It’s going to take persistence to make it through your dating journey! If you embrace that mindset before you get started, you won’t give up so easily. For example, there’s a great chance that a guy will make you feel like you had a great connection during your date, tell you he’s going to call, and then disappear on you without a trace!
You have two options when disappointments happen. 1) You can take it personally and start telling yourself things like, “I’m not good enough,” “There are no good men out there anyway,” or “I’d rather stay single than deal with this mess.” Or 2) You can feel the pain and let it go! Then tell yourself a more powerful story about what happened so you can get back out there with confidence.
2. Patience
Patience protects your heart. Part of the thrill of a roller coaster ride is when the car is speeding up and flying down the hill! But to survive the ride, you need patience to endure the slow parts. Don’t rush into relationships blinded by chemistry and attraction. Get clarity on your bottom line needs and be willing to practice patience before you give your heart to someone.
3. People
The right people in your life will make a huge difference! I’ve worked with clients who told me they instantly became discouraged when their so-called friends said things like, “Girl, if you lost some weight you’d be able to keep a man,” or “there’s no way a man will wait until marriage to get some. You’re going to be single forever!” These types of friends need to be loved from a distance, otherwise their negative attitudes will poison your heart.
Other friends give you bad dating advice. They love you, but they’re not experts in relationships so you need to take what they tell you with a grain of salt. Surround yourself with a people who are positive and will uplift you when you’re feeling down. You’ll also need a mentor, someone who can lead the way and help coach you through the ups and downs of dating.
If you develop a persistent mindset, practice patience and surround yourself with the right people, you can make it through the roller coaster of dating.
BMWK, Do you have the right people in your life who can help you stay positive while dating?
no hurry no worry wait and there wait be a bait