2. Honesty, OUCH!!!
“Confess your faults one to another…” (JAM 5:16), a scripture I absolutely adore. This scripture suggests that we show are weaknesses one to another and pray for, not prey on, one another. Who better to tell the woes you may have about yourself or within your marriage than your spouse. I know this can be a difficult thing to do, but if you are truly considering one another, it would make sense to strive to do each other the most good!
Examine yourselves first and identify the faults you have working to improve them with God’s guidance and strength while telling each other the truth, what hurts and what feels good. That’s living water for the seed of your marriage.
You learn to know and grow with one another and the true friendship and relationship that develops from that is priceless. We all too often can find people in marriages or relationships not built on that foundation and see where they are and where they are headed.
On this one, I’d have to fully embrace the common expression, “the devil is a liar,” because we, as children of light, know that in our weakest state is where we find God’s strength. So be sensitive but honest with your spouse about anything and everything with the intent to grow and help your marriage become stronger.
3rd: STICK and STAY
Stay rooted in the word of God and in the doing of His business. The wickedness of this world comes your way to do three main things: cause doubt (kills your faith), provide distraction (steals your recognition of the God’s favor in your life), and ignite destruction (destroys your spiritual and earthly existence).
As storms come, don’t forget who’s in the ship resting on the pillow with you. He WILL NOT allow you to perish! Stay encouraged through prayer, taking wise counsel, and discussing issues honestly with your mate. Getting married is easy but making a marriage thrive and not just simply exist is the true test. God promises his children life more abundantly and if I have obtained more favor with my wife in marriage, that means we’re geared to thrive in a blessed and major way. His promises will not be void!
About Shawn Cook:
Shawn Cook Sr. is a 33 year old husband and father of two residing in Memphis, TN. Shawn Cook Sr. attended a local HBCU, LeMoyne Owen College, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Strayer University and is currently working to complete his Doctorate degree. He enjoys research and writing, films, exercise, reading, and spending time with his family. He currently serves as a Campus Director of Strayer University’s Shelby Campus in Memphis, TN. Most of all, Shawn enjoys being a Christian and celebrates his adoration, love, and appreciation of living a life filled with God’s purpose and direction. You can contact him on facebook.
BMWK, What other ways have you found to connect with God when you feel challenged in your marriage?
All of this is true. Marriage is a powerful!!!! It’s as powerful as the 2 that make it a marriage. One thing I do know, you’re always learning in a marriage about your mate. The beauty is the interest one put forth to learn and be able to receive the good and the bad without criticizing one another. True love runs deep.