With the holidays quickly approaching and the year winding down to an end, now is a great time to express gratitude in your marriage.
As my siblings and I prepare to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary this month, I am inspired to know that there is always room for more gratitude in marriage. A few years ago, they shared some powerful keys to what brought them to 47 years of marriage. I have no doubt that it’s these same things that have allowed them to see 50 years of holy matrimony together.
Fifty years is a really long time. It’s almost unheard of in this day and age for many different reasons. And every day, I come across posts or articles on social media from people who are struggling through a divorce. I have seen others who have witnessed or been a victim of domestic violence. I have shed tears and said prayers for those who have lost the love of their lives due to some kind of sickness or tragedy.
For this reason, I thank God every day for my husband and all of the ways that he allows me to simply be me. I give thanks for my marriage because I know that I am truly blessed.
Here are 4 Everyday Things to Give Thanks for in Your Marriage Today:
A healthy spouse
If your spouse is alive and well, give thanks. If they are able to breathe on their own, and not depend on machines, give thanks. If your spouse is not suffering from any type of illness that can threaten their life, give thanks. You are blessed. Sometimes we take simple things like health for granted.
A loving spouse
If your spouse greets you with love, give thanks. If your spouse has never laid a hand on you or caused any violence toward you, give thanks. If your spouse treats you like the King or Queen that you are, be sure to express your gratitude toward them. I am grateful to have a spouse that I enjoy seeing and coming home to. I give thanks for all of the ways he expresses his love for me.
A praying spouse
If your spouse prays for you, thank them. Not everyone has a praying spouse. Not everyone can say that they have a spouse who prays for them or with them. While that is the ideal situation, it’s not a reality in many marriages. In many marriages, there is one spouse who is creating their own war room. If this isn’t your reality, give thanks.
A supportive spouse
If you tell your spouse you want to fly to the moon or be the next president and they support that, give thanks. If you want to quit your job to start a dream business, thank them. If you can go to your spouse with any problem, concern or excitement and they support you, give thanks. I am beyond grateful for a spouse that literally supports anything that is in my heart. He may not always understand it, but he is always supportive. And for that, I give thanks.
Expressing gratitude toward your spouse regularly can go a long way in strengthening your marriage. But especially at this time of year, or when you feel any tension rising, it’s important to give thanks in and for your marriage.
BMWK: What ways do you give thanks in your marriage on a regular basis?
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