Do you ever find yourself making the same requests of your spouse with little result? You may be wondering do they hear me, are they paying attention, or does what I say even matter to them? All of these questions leave you feeling frustrated, confused and downright angry. Those feelings then lead to your shutting down, yelling or even a long-term disconnect in your marriage.
It may not be the request itself that your spouse isn’t responding to, it may very well be your delivery.
We don’t often consider how we communicate as much as we consider what we communicate. Nagging, whining, and complaining will seriously cause your spouse to disconnect. Who wants to be reminded of what they’re doing wrong? No one!
Sometimes couples feel as though they don’t have to be as mindful when it comes to getting their needs met. A marriage will not work when an individual is thinking as an individual and not considering the relationship as a whole. Our goal, when we communicate, is to be clear and not come off as threatening or disrespectful. Leaving your spouse to feel as though they have to defend themselves or ignore you will not provide the outcome you desire.
Here are 5 things to keep in mind when communicating with your spouse, and notice nagging isn’t one:
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