3. Unpack Your Baggage
We all come to a relationship with baggage. But what you do with that baggage is up to you. You have a choice to allow your baggage to weigh you down and become a burden to you and your spouse. Or, you can allow it to strengthen you. Identify all of the things from your past that could be considered baggage (whether it was a dysfunctional childhood, self-esteem issues, or bad relationships) and begin to take actions to address those things (i.e — forgiving, counseling, talking to someone.) In the BMWK Guide to Unpacking Your Baggage, author Deborah Mills states:
“Remember a weight can make you strong or weigh you down. You can stand in your story and remain there, or you can stand on your story and let it move you to another level. The choice is yours. If you haven’t decided already, make the choice and declare, “My past will positively influence my future.””
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