I recently had the pleasure of chatting it up with the always real, down-to-earth LaShawn and April Daniels, co-stars of the Tamar & Vince show. When I was new to the blogging scene, they were one of the first celebrity couples I interviewed here on this website. I immediately became a superfan and loved what they stood for. I adored how they showed the world that there … [Read more...]
My Greatest Love Lesson for a Happy Marriage
There's no doubt about it: any relationship worth having will take a commitment and hard work from both parties. With marriage, I've never liked to use the term "hard work" because it has a negative connotation. My greatest love lesson comes in knowing that marriage is "love work". It's "commitment work". It's "joy work". You could even say, it's homework; but after a long day, … [Read more...]
Ladies: Shop These 11 Black Owned Businesses to Spoil Your Man on Valentine’s Day
With Valentine's Day around the corner, it's easy to get lost in chocolates and flowers. And while my husband and I don't go "all out" for one day of love when we celebrate it all year long, I do like getting him something nice. And since so much focus is generally on the women, I decided to pull together these 11 black owned businesses you can shop for your man this … [Read more...]
10 Easy & Fun Activities to Combat Cabin Fever for Young Kids
What do you do when it's too cold to take the kids outside to run around and play? For many areas in the country, this time of year means having to be stuck indoors. If you're having a pretty mild winter so far like we are in the DC area, consider yourself lucky. But in anticipation of the cold weather and snow that can shut down schools and keep kids stuck indoors for … [Read more...]
15 Black Owned Businesses to Shop for Women This Holiday Season
If you missed any part of our Black Owned Gift Guide series, be sure to click here. In this post we are sharing businesses to shop for the special woman in your life. Check out our Black Owned Gift Guide Series and buy black this holiday season! Ujamaa Box: A monthly subscription box bringing you accessible, affordable, and carefully curated products from black-owned … [Read more...]
9 Black Owned Businesses to Shop for Children and Gourmet Sweets
If you missed any part of our Black Owned Gift Guide series, be sure to click here. In this post we are sharing gifts for children, as well as gourmet sweets you can order as gifts. Check out our Black Owned Gift Guide Series and buy black this holiday season! Gabby Bows: FINALLY! A girls' hair barrette that won't disappear! The Double-Face Double-Snap Barrette by GaBBY! … [Read more...]
8 Black Owned Businesses to Shop for the Home, Body, and Soul
If you missed any part of our Black Owned Gift Guide series, be sure to click here. In this post we are sharing businesses to shop for the home, body, and soul. Check out our Black Owned Gift Guide Series and buy black this holiday season! On July 10, 2015, I had the honor of launching and Co-Founding Black Biz Scope live on Periscope, along with Pamela Booker of Koils by … [Read more...]
4 Critical Tips for Holiday Travel With Kids
The holidays are here and if you're planning on traveling with kids, then you need to add these tips to your checklist. Traveling opens up a world of experience and opportunities to expose our children to. It should be fun and enjoyable. We recently traveled as a family to Turks and Caicos, and learned some lessons along the way. So if you want to keep your sanity, here are … [Read more...]
5 Empowering Lessons on Beauty I’m Teaching my Brown Girls
Growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood and often being one of the very few or only black kids in class, I did not consider myself to be anywhere near the standard of beauty. Oh, and if there were any other black kids, I was always the darkest. It took me a really long time (well into adulthood) to really love and embrace who I was, and to define my own standard of … [Read more...]
7 Ways the BMWK Marriage Cruise Can Elevate Your Marriage – For Lovers Only
Whenever the subject of a cruise came along amongst family and friends, my husband and I were not quite sure we were interested in participating. When we heard about the BMWK Marriage cruise, we decided that we would make this our very first cruise experience. It definitely elevated our marriage to the next level. So I wanted to share these 7 ways to elevate your … [Read more...]
5 Critical Tips to Raising Respectful Kids
It never fails. Whenever I'm out and about with my kids, people are always commenting about how well-behaved and loving they are. While I like to think this is the norm, I'm told time and time again that it's not. Recently, I shared a Periscope broadcast on 10 easy tips for moms to recharge, reconnect and FLY (First Love Yourself). Tips eight and nine were all about setting … [Read more...]
5 Simple Ways to Have a Ridiculously Happy Marriage
When I tell people how long my husband and I have been together, I usually get the jaw drops and wide eyes. And yes, 16 years sounds like a long time, with ten years of marriage, but it honestly doesn't feel that long. I know. I used to look at people like they were crazy when they said stuff like that, and now I'm saying stuff like that because I get it. I get it because … [Read more...]
3 Easy & Effective Tips to Reduce Conflict in Your Marriage
Last year, my husband and I went on a marriage cruise (kid-free). Not only was it the first time we'd ever been on a cruise but it was the first time we were away from home for so long to focus solely on our marriage. And, as the new BMWK Marriage Cruise is underway, I wanted to reflect on one of the most powerful sessions we experienced during the cruise. One of the biggest … [Read more...]
How To Keep The Sizzle Before You Fizzle Long After The “I Do’s”
I never used to understand what people used to say when they said things like, "It seems like just yesterday" or "I feel like we just started dating", after being married for 10, 20, 30 plus years. But now that my husband and I are quickly approaching our ten year anniversary, I get it now. I get it because I'm saying those same things. I get it because I wonder how I can … [Read more...]
Marriage Challenge: 7 Days to an Argument-Free Marriage
Communication problems are known to be one of the main reasons that marriages fail. Whether it's arguments, disagreements, or issues swept under the rug for far too long, the list can go on and on. What if someone told you that you could indeed have an argument-free marriage? Well, businesswomen, Blogger, and New York Times bestselling author of the Happy Wives Club Fawn … [Read more...]