Planning ahead in marriage can save so much time and also helps you prioritize what is most important to you and your spouse. It's easy to live day to day and then realized that years have flown by. You might find yourself asking the question, "Where has the time gone?" or "What have we did with all these years?" If you plan your marriage, and have goals to work towards it … [Read more...]
5 Levels of Truth & 3 Ways They Benefit Your Marriage
It is said that there are 5 levels to truth telling. First, tell the truth to yourself. Second, you tell the truth to yourself about another. At the third level, you tell the truth about yourself to another. Then, you tell your truth about another to that other. Finally, you tell the truth to everyone about everything. Its ironic that a healthy marriage requires … [Read more...]
Do You Avoid Your Past? Here are 2 Ways to Let it Go for Good
We all have a past and before you get married, being transparent about it will bring a healing that feels so much better than holding on to it. I thank God I was able to grab ahold of Christ at a young age because He guided me away from making decisions that would have affected my future. But, even though I was a lover of Christ, I still did things not up to His standards. … [Read more...]
3 Specific Ways to Draw Closer to God When You’re Single
When I encountered God for the first time in my bedroom at the age of sixteen, it set the course for the rest of my life. This defining experience was not based on how messed up I was, but how amazing He was. It was a combination of Isaiah’s, “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the … [Read more...]
Why Every Single Better Know the Difference Between Being Compatible Versus Being Suitable
The first account of marriage in the bible is found with Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:18. The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper SUITABLE for him." (Emphasis mine) God determined it was not good for man to be alone, so He created a woman who was just right for him. Now, in today’s culture we have become much more accustomed to … [Read more...]
Blend Family Week: 3 Phrases to Never Say to a Blended Family
I grew up in a blended family due to my parents marrying one another after previous marriages, then having me. They both had children from their previous marriage, which one, my older brother, lived with us. My older brother and I are literally night and day. He is 6’4, 250 lbs, and I am 5’7 140 lbs. It was very evident when you saw us together that we weren’t full blood … [Read more...]
How Non-Negotiable Qualities Can Help Identify Your Future Spouse
In our society, we like to reject the thought of being able to fall in love with just one look simply because, it is not realistic. I could easily tell you many stories of people who fell in love with just one look, but also many whose love was cultivated over time through friendship. In Song of Solomon 4:9 we enter into the middle of a romantic moment of two lovebirds, “You … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Fight Fair in Marriage
My wife and I got married 11 months after meeting for the first time face to face. Within those 11 months it included the joy of getting to know one another, experiencing the new emotions of love and romance, and the thrill of planning our life together. I can’t recall ever having a disagreement or argument during our courting and engagement stage. But, once we got married, … [Read more...]
3 Words to Help you Discover God’s Purpose for Your Life
What you know about yourself determines what you give of yourself to others. By establishing the foundation of God’s purpose for your life, you will have a guiding point for where He is taking you. Foundation is the key word here. God’s purpose is not a destination, but a journey you will be on for the rest of your life. The foundation of that purpose is acknowledging God … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Keep a Godly Atmosphere in Your Home
The bible states in 2 Corinthians 3:17, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." The presence of God in your home has the ability to calm fears, eradicate unnecessary attitudes, and also keep everyone focused on the important things in life. Sustaining a Godly atmosphere in your home can positively affect your marriage in more ways … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Become a Better Friend
Friendships are one of the greatest assets in your life. If they are stewarded well, they can yield more harvest for you than anything else. The opposite is true when friendships are not taken care of. It is through your friends that you will learn the most about yourself relationally. Here are 3 ways to become a better friend: 1. Examine all your failed friendships and … [Read more...]
15 Questions to Help Discover Who You Are
Marriage is the process by which two become ONE! Well, it is a lot easier for those two to become one when they understand the parts of themselves that refuse to surrender. When you know yourself well, you can acknowledge where you need Christ to overcome your weaknesses with His strength. It makes the merger of two individuals a piece of cake. The first few years of … [Read more...]
4 Biblical Traits of a Man Not Ready for Marriage
Being a man, you come across and befriend other men of all kinds. Some are career centered, some are women centered, and the rest are just trying to enjoy life to the fullest. Every man is different, but when it comes to marriage, its very easy to notice those that aren’t ready for marriage. But if you don’t look closely, you can be easily fooled. Here are 4 traits that can be … [Read more...]
Reality TV Show Married at First Sight, My Honest Review
Married at First Sight is a new reality show that aired last week. They are taking 6 ridiculously courageous and brave men and women who will agree to be paired up by relationship experts. This is not a blind date, but a blind marriage. Each couple will commit to be legally married all before they see the person. The show will then follow them for 6 weeks. And at the end of … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Have a Financially Blessed Marriage
Being financially blessed is a desire of all couples in order to provide for their families, enjoy life, and prepare for the future. Here are 3 ways to have a financially blessed marriage. 1. Pay God First After watching my mom pay God first each Sunday at church my entire childhood, I was so excited to do it once I started making my own money. God has shown Himself faithful … [Read more...]