The relationship between my wife and I was a long distance one for our entire courting and engagement season. There is good news and bad news about being in a long distance relationship. The good news is you are forced to learn how to communicate. The bad news is you only see each other every so often. But, because of the distance, conversation starters came somewhat easy. I will say the strongest area of our marriage now is communication, which is a direct result of the hours spent on phone calls, face time, and Skype.
Now that we are married we still continue to use some of the methods that helped us achieve that great level of open communication.
21 Conversation Starters to Help Couples Struggling to Communicate
In this article:
The Importance of Communication in Marriage
Many people have different ideas about what is most important in a marriage. For some couples, it may be intimacy. Another couple might say finances. While still another might say spirituality. Oddly, while true, all of the above include a dire need for proper communication.
Intimacy requires communication. What couples do with their money requires communication. The spiritual health of marriage requires communication. Unfortunately, many couples are unsure of how to talk about these topics. Well, we’ve got some conversation starters that might help.
Conversation Starters to Get Your Marriage Moving
Here are 21 discussion questions you and your significant other can use to help strike up a good conversation.
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- Describe your family growing up with one word, Why?
- Which year did you have the best birthday? Why?
- What are you passionate about?
- What makes you angry? Why?
- How do you handle stress?
- What was your lowest point in life?
- What’s a highlight in your life?
- What do you consider as self-care?
- What is your current status with God?
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- When you hear the word fun what comes to mind?
- If you were stranded on an island what 5 items would you have with you?
- If you could get paid to study a topic what would it be?
- What lessons did you learn from your previous relationships?
- Name 3 words would you use to describe life right now?
- What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
- What makes you unique?
- What are you fearful of?
- Do you have any family traditions you want to continue doing?
- Who are you closest to in your family?
These discussion questions are a great diving board into some awesome conversation that is sure to help you learn more about one another. Don’t give surface answers, but try to dig deep to give an answer that helps not only your significant other but also yourself.]
BMWK, What are some other conversation starters you and your significant other use?
Up Next: 7 Reasons to Attend Couples Counseling
Editor’s Note: BMWK originally published this post on July 1, 2015. We have updated it for quality and relevancy.
Thanks so much for these great advice! Im learning and growing much better in the area of understanding day by day.