Do you have any other advice you want to share with our readers?
Carlton: Remember that your kids are your kids — not your friends. You can love them but sometimes you have to have that tough love.
Joyce: We all want our kids to be decent people and be someone we can be proud of, so we just need to stay on top of them. Be honest with them as much as possible. You can’t say ‘Oh mommy loves you, but I don’t have time.’ Then you don’t love them because that’s how it translates to them.
In terms of marriage, the idealistic thinking is that you have to be so honest about everything with each other. Honest and forthcoming are nice but that’s not always the best way to do it. If you’re not honest enough with yourself, then that’s where the problem lies. So be true to yourselves first.
Thanks again for Mr. & Mrs. Waterman for taking time to chat with us.
BMWK — Can you relate to blending a family or learning how to accept certain things in your spouse? Be sure to tell us about it in the comments section.
T. Espi says
Hey! I know those people 🙂 They’re the best parents a buncha girls could have… You can take that to the bank! #pow
Rani says
Great interview. I laughed out loud about them getting married without telling the kids. And I love how they’ve focused on the friendship aspect of their marriage in order to maintain it. Great advice for this newlywed.
Allison says
Great interview w/a gray pair of role models! And, I #cosign w/ Te Espi’s statement above! #doublepow!
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