These days more and more women are achieving financial success whether it be by climbing the corporate ladder or starting their own businesses. They are making things happen and in some instances laughing all the way to the bank as they transcend stereotypes and barriers on their climb to the top. In some families roles are such that the woman is the primary breadwinner but are women even ok with that?
In an Essence article about the season finale of Husbands of Hollywood and how the characters are married to “powerful women” who in some instances bring home more money than they do, readers were asked their thoughts.
“Are you cool with your husband “splurging” with your hard-earned cash?”
For some couples despite being married they still look at finances as being separate but does it matter who is bringing home the bacon as long as there is enough “bacon” to go around? For more on this visit Essence.
BMWK — What are your thoughts, does it matter who the breadwinner is?
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