You may know this Power Couple from Atlanta’s AM1100 Toni and “Griff” show. If you’re not familiar, picture Howard Stern, the Honeymooner’s, and a sprinkle of Peg & Al Bundy all wrapped up in one. The Toni and “GRIFF” Show” has graced the internet and virtual radio world since 2010 and has gained over 70,000 fans and now a Facebook reach of over 900,000 listeners and viewers within the past 2 years. Presently they air on “1100AM Sports and Entertainment” station in the Metro Atlanta Area, M-F 10AM to 12PM EST AM1100.
Let me start by saying that this couple is downright hilarious! It was a challenge to get through the laughing just long enough to ask the next question. They truly were a joy to speak with and 110% made for each other. They have one big, happy blended family of seven (three boys, two girls) and will be celebrating six years of marriage in September.
BMWK: How did you guys meet?
Toni: Ok so…I stalked him. Well I didn’t purposely or knowingly stalk him [laughs]. I worked at a car dealership as a personal assistant. Griff was on V103 at the time and I told my boss that she should ‘give that dude an endorsement’. When she asked me why, I just told her I thought he’d be cool. I listened to him every day and he sounded so sincere about whatever he was talking about. So it was a way for me to be able to talk to him.
Griff: From the stalker to the altar! [All laugh]
BMWK: So we’ve shared a few different marriage proposal stories on the site recently. What’s your story?
Griff: I took Toni for her first trip to Miami for her birthday which is in October. We went to the beach and it was drizzling a bit, but it was cool because they had these romantic canopies out. So I sat her down and got to pacing and she says, ‘Now wait a minute, if you’re about to tell me that you’ve got AIDS or HIV, I’m already pregnant so I ain’t going nowhere’. I was like, ‘What the heck are you talking about Toni?!. She was trying to figure out why I was crying and pacing back and forth. [laughs]
Toni: I always tell Griff he’s my birthday present because he moved to Atlanta on my birthday. We’d known each other for 10 years but we only seriously dated each other for two years.
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