Your marriage is meant to grow. It is meant to thrive and fulfill both husband and wife. Marriage should keep changing for the better. Nothing and no one stays the same.
I know sometimes it feels like it is the other person that has some growing to do. But truth be told, we all have some changes we need to make. It may feel like if your mate would change everything would be alright. If they would just do this or do that your marriage would be growing by leaps and bounds.
Your mate has some changes to make and so do you. Your marriage, just like mine, will change when the two individuals who said “I do” begin to change. Change can be long and drawn out or it can be a quick work. No matter the time frame hang in there for each other. Take note of the following three characteristics of true change.
Your marriage will change when YOUR heart changes.
It is said that if you do something for 21 days it will become a habit. This may be true, however, in marriage it is a heart change that produces lasting benefit to your marriage. When he has your heart and you have his, the desire to please one another will outweigh selfish gain.
Your marriage will change when YOU change.
Marriage is made up of two free-willed people. You cannot make your mate change and neither can your mate make you change. It is a matter of the heart. As the heart changes, actions and attitudes will also change. When you, the individual, begin to change, your marriage will too.
Your marriage will change when YOU let go.
Change is a matter of the heart. Your heart will change as you begin to flood it with good things. Let go of the challenges and hurts and hold on to the joy. Every issue in your life flows from the well spring of your heart. As the wellspring of your heart is filled with good things true change will take place.
Even though the changes that take place are happening in your individual lives the emotional and spiritual impact is experienced together in your relationship. It will benefit your home all the way around. The two of you will grow and change. Make the choice to grow together.
BMWK – do you believe that if you make changes yourself, even if your spouse is not changing, that your marriage will change?
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