In the previous article, I asked the fellas to step up and put the date back into dating. Now I’d like to talk to the sisters about how to be a great date! As a professional matchmaker, it’s my honor to interview men about what they’re looking for in a mate. And honey, I’ve heard some amazing stories about women’s bad behavior on dates that cause men to disappear! I call … [Read more...]
Let’s Put The Date Back Into Dating: The 4 Stages to a Successful Courtship
Call me old-fashioned, but I think it’s time we put the “date” back in dating! Dating is more complicated these days because singles have replaced talking with texting, going out with hanging out, and romance with rushing to hook up. So I’m asking the men: Please step up and lead the way. Now I know the sisters have some work to do to be better dates, and don’t worry, I have … [Read more...]
5 Irresistible Qualities Women Desire in a Christian Man
Hey ladies, what’s on your list in what makes a godly man attractive? Guys, what do you think attracts women to you the most? Aside from looks and other attributes that we may list as desirable when the question comes to mind, here are five irresistible qualities of the heart and character in a Christian man that ladies love as well. 1. Humility (Proverbs 15:33) Loving … [Read more...]
3 Negative Attitudes that will Keep you Single When You Don’t Want to Be
Are you speaking life over your dating & relationship experiences? If you're single & you're saying one of these common phrases, you could be blocking your Boaz from showing up! I have to warn you. I'm about to share truth with you that could set you free. But it might make you mad at first. I promise, however, that if you stay with me, you'll get clarity on dating … [Read more...]
How the Fear of Rejection Can Stunt Your Growth and Keep You Single
The word says that God is love and His perfect love casts out all fear. We may find ourselves in a fearful place where taking a risk in being rejected keeps us from trying. When it comes to the single life and dating, we have to take these risks every time we go out. It's one thing to try and get shot down, it's another to not try at all out of fear of being shot down. I'm … [Read more...]
Should I Marry a Holy Man Who has “UNSANCTIFIED” Tendencies?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have read several of your articles and decided to ask a question that has been bothering me for sometime now. I am single Christian woman who spends the majority of my time in church or hanging out with church people. I am new to the church thing. I did not grow up in church, so I am still adjusting to the church environment. I guess I would say that I … [Read more...]
Singles: Are You Afraid of Your 30’s?
"You need to get on it; you're going to be 30 soon." If you're not age thirty yet or have reached that decade of your life already, you've probably heard something like that statement before. For some reason, age 30 seems to be the start and the end for many things in life for men and women. From a woman's perspective, if you're not married by 30 you have even more pressure … [Read more...]
Singles: 3 Great Ideas to Experience this Spring
As the grass returns to a lush green and gorgeous flowers bud and bloom, exploration, growth, and love is essential for us singles and Spring is a great time to invest in that. While it may be time for the warm up season we call Spring (finally), we can get into some possible ideas for activities that singles can enjoy in this beautiful time of the year. Explore Spring is a … [Read more...]
How Does a Christian Woman Express Interest in a Man Without Appearing to be the Pursuer?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I enjoyed your article about being saved, single and waiting. My question for you is how does a Christian woman express interest in a man without appearing to be the pursuer? My church mentor made me feel uncomfortable when I shared that I met a man under the strictest of platonic circumstances and that I felt good vibes from him and had an interest in … [Read more...]
Singles, 10 Ways to go from Selfish to Selfless
It's not about you. It's not about you. It's not about you. Singles, we have the misconception we often feed, that we can be some selfish creatures. Some books and other people will tell you that being single is a stage of enlightenment and a time to only be "taking care of me" and other clichés that come with false independence. That kind of thinking fits very well with how … [Read more...]
Singles: Do You Have a Love Mentor?
I strongly believe that people learn about love relationships from the environment they grew up in. As a child of once married and then divorced parents, my outlook on relationships became tainted. I questioned a lot of factors, including the longevity and stability of relationships. I grew up in an environment in which divorce was “normal” and love seemed conditional, but I’ve … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why You Should Date Casually, Even Christians!
Is it just me, or does it seem like casual dating gets a bad rep? But what if casual dating wasn't purposeless? What if it wasn't an excuse to have meaningless sex? What if it wasn't dangerous or a waste of time? If you are dead-set against going out with different people, I can respect your approach to dating and relationships. But as a matchmaker and dating coach, I'd like … [Read more...]
Singles: How Being in Denial Can Affect Your Growth in Relationships
One of the beauties of being single is that it gives you the opportunity to discover yourself and figure out your quirks without it directly affecting your significant other. The single season is a time to learn about yourself, and when God reveals to you your not so good sides, it means it’s time to make changes for the better. But what happens when you find yourself denying … [Read more...]
Singles: 10 Things to get ‘Delivert’ from by 2015
With the New Year upon us, it’s time to reflect on the 2014 you’ve had, mistakes made and even more memorable accomplishments. I do have to say this for my fellow singles: there are some things you got over this year and may still be dealing with. We are all works in progress. We have God’s grace to cover our mistakes and I pray that we all get the wisdom to not make them … [Read more...]
Singles: How are You “Actively Waiting” for Marriage?
I must admit that there are times when I get distracted by unnecessary things that keep me from being focused on being single. Sometimes it’s other people, TV, or my own thoughts. I realize then that I’m getting off track and need to refocus on what’s important to me in this season of singleness. When you make the decision to be single and actively wait for God’s plan to … [Read more...]