If a black man tells you he doesn't want to date black women in 2016, don't get offended. Why? It's because he's doing you a favor. He's saving you the time you could have wasted on someone who doesn't deserve you. A recent episode of Iyanla Fix My Life aired, showing three black men in their 20s, 30s and 40s who had different reasons why they preferred NOT to date black … [Read more...]
3 Ways the Strong Black Woman Syndrome Can Kill Your Relationship
Can we talk? Sister to sister? No, I'm not about to tell you that the reason why you're still single (or unhappy in your relationship) is because you're too independent and no man wants you. (That kind of advice is played out in my opinion, and doesn't serve you well.) I am, however, going to tell you that the Strong Black Woman Syndrome is killing you and your … [Read more...]
“Angry Black Woman”, “THOT”, “Bad B****”, Enough Already!
I am not sure about you, but I'm frustrated and irritated by the negative labels black women frequently receive. I’m still trying to determine at what point in time did it become acceptable for everyone, other races of men and women, children and even our men, to disrespect and disregard us. Black women seem to always be the last group to receive respect. We stand beside our … [Read more...]