Envision going through an airport with bags in your arms, bags on your back, bags on wheels, and pushing a stroller all at the same time. You’re working up a sweat, frustration is setting in, and the destination that brings the struggle to an end looks so far away. Now translate this to your everyday life. Daddy was not the father he should have been - BAGGAGE. Mom struggled … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Keep Your Junk (Baggage) from Ruining Your Marriage
Our trip to Virginia was not going to be long...just a few days. So, I decided to pack lightly. It was still warm in Georgia and without checking Virginia's weather forecast, I packed my bags with clothes appropriate for Georgia weather. Needless to say, I was surprised as the weather grew significantly cooler the further north we traveled. It turns out a "cold front" was … [Read more...]
Being Mary Jane’s Ugly Truth Episode Challenges Us to Stop Lying About Relationships
When we meet, date and even marry, we really don’t know everything about the person next to us. We are often oblivious to the challenges they’ve faced, the hardships they’ve overcome and the difficulties they endure on a daily basis. If we were honest, we frequently ignore the outward signs of their inward pain and shame and move on with our day. Last night’s episode of … [Read more...]
Clean Up What’s Inside of You, Before You Mess Up Your Marriage
"The things we buy to cover up what's inside." - Kanye West" When Tee and I first got engaged she set out on a mission to clean up her credit. I was like "who cares about your credit?!?!" Now, years later I can understand why she was doing it, but at that time, the LAST thing on my mind was her credit. But her thing was, she didn't want to come into this marriage with her … [Read more...]
What Baggage Did You Bring Into Your Marriage?
By Tiya Cunningham-Sumter The past is the past, right? Well, why does it creep into our marriages? Sometimes it is even disguised as something else. When I was growing up, I observed my mother do everything for us. She worked, paid the bills and provided for our every need. She raised us alone and didn't really have to answer to anyone as to the way she did it. While … [Read more...]