I must admit I made several marriage mistakes as a new wife. It took me a minute to understand and appreciate this profound new role with my husband. So my relationship struggled just a bit. What I learned, as I began studying relationships and working with couples, is that I wasn’t the only wife who had this experience. In this article: Taking your husband for … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to Single Ladies From a Married One
I appreciate, when we as women, are able to connect and just have real heart to heart conversations that strengthen us and further develop our bond of sisterhood. It doesn't seem to happen as often as it should. I believe we can absolutely learn from one another. There is so much wisdom and so many life experiences we can offer, if we were willing to share more … [Read more...]
What’s The Reward for Being a Proverbs 31 Woman?
Last week I started a conversation on just how close we are to the Proverbs 31 woman. We took a deeper look at verses 10-15 and compared the scripture to our modern day lives. Verses 16-31 remind us again, that although some of the wording may not be applicable to us today, the majority of today’s wives are already living a Proverbs 31 life. 16 She considers a field and … [Read more...]
The Proverbs 31 Woman of 2015 – How Do You Measure Up?
Most women, as they are preparing for marriage, seek guidance or a marriage model to pattern themselves after. Naturally we want to be successful in love, so we look to either our parent’s relationships, the other couples we grew up around and, of course, the most perfect example of a wife, the Proverbs 31 woman. This powerful piece of scripture proves to be the marriage … [Read more...]
What’s On Your Marriage Resume?
A large majority of my career includes training adults on discovering their brand, developing successful job search skills and building a resume that will wow the socks off of employers. Assisting them in building that resume is sometimes challenging as they struggle to remember responsibilities of past employment as well as being able to highlight their strengths as a … [Read more...]
What Marriage Feels Like for Women
I appreciate status updates on Facebook from women who love being married. The photos of them and their husband warms my heart. Anniversary announcements and birthday messages are usually all filled with memories of what makes their love so unique. It’s apparent just how much their spouse matters. Although marriage isn’t always effortless, these women still recognize it’s worth … [Read more...]
A Good Wife’s Cheat Sheet
My goal as a wife is to smother my husband with love. I intend to love on him by spending time with him and being verbal and active in how I demonstrate my commitment to him. It's not always easy to be the spouse I desire. Effort and energy are both required, which I don't always possess. Frequently, I am tired. I have a lot on my plate career wise, so time is limited. My … [Read more...]