If you missed any part of our Black Owned Gift Guide series, be sure to click here. In this post we are sharing gifts for children, as well as gourmet sweets you can order as gifts. Check out our Black Owned Gift Guide Series and buy black this holiday season! Gabby Bows: FINALLY! A girls' hair barrette that won't disappear! The Double-Face Double-Snap Barrette by GaBBY! … [Read more...]
3 Quality-vs-Quantity Time Activities That Could Save Your Marriage and Family
Does mom time matter? That was the topic of an article published in the Journal of Family and Marriage earlier this year. The Washington Post explained the study in detail. But here’s the gist: Researchers claimed that the amount of time spent with mothers is not linked to the well-being of children ages 3-11. The study points to similar findings for father time. Now, I don’t … [Read more...]
5 Powerful Prayers to Pray Over Your Children Starting Today
I began praying for my children while they were still in my belly. I would pray for God to show me how to be the best mother to each of them. I wanted to know how to care for them just as he would. Tailor the short five prayers below to fit your specific need. Take out the word son or daughter and insert your child’s name. Say the prayer aloud so you can hear yourself say … [Read more...]
3 Cultural Coloring Books Every Kid Should Have for the Holidays
Did you know that your chances of having twins is greatest if you hail from West Africa? I didn't, until I checked out a delightful new book, A is for Àdìre! Igbo-Ora, a small town in West Africa has the proud designation as "The Land of the Twins." And the word for twins in Yorùbá, a language native to West Africa, is Ibéjì. Wow! African Americans have a rich history … [Read more...]
5 Bad Habits You Are Unknowingly Passing on to Your Kids
I’m a good mom. Yep, I can say that with confidence. I am a good mom—who has some really bad days. We all do. Any mother who leads you to believe that she doesn’t is hiding something. I’m not suggesting she has some deep, dark secret (although she might), but I am suggesting that she isn’t letting you into her REAL world to truly see what’s going on. One of my biggest … [Read more...]
8 Signs You’re Missing Your Kid’s Childhood and 10 Ways to Fix It
By: Lia Miller So we live in the digital age and more relationships than ever are started in the virtual medium. Nothing necessarily wrong there; that's life today. However, there is one area in life where a virtual relationship won't work and where, in fact, living virtually is actually the biggest impediment to a real relationship - the one with your … [Read more...]
Heaven Sent or Hell Bound: Husbands What Kind of Leader are You?
To lead means to guide, go in front of, and show the way. Ephesians 5:23 says: for the husband is the head of the wife; as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. So husbands, it is your duty to lead your wife and family. Where you lead not only impacts your marriage but will have an effect on your children. They have no choice but to be led … [Read more...]
The One Thing God Really Wants From Your Marriage
Marriage is one of the oldest institutions we have on the earth. The first marriage ever recorded was that of Adam and Eve, thousands of years ago, at the genesis of man’s existence. It is from this marriage we learn God’s desire for man not to be alone, but to have a helpmate to help accomplish God’s purpose for their lives. Fast forward to modern day. People are still … [Read more...]
These 6 Parenting Mistakes Are Slowly Destroying Your Kids
As parents we must realize the capability of our children. When we fail to realize this, we can become overbearing and over-parent. You may be wondering, “How can we over-parent, our children need us?” Yes, your children need you. However, here are 5 Tell-tell signs of over-parenting. Not allowing your child to maximize their potential. No matter your child’s age; your child … [Read more...]
Back To School Tips to Prepare Your Mind and Your Wallet!
Well, it’s that time of year again. The summer’s over. School is here. If your family is anything like mine, the kids are not looking forward to it. I mean, the summer has been one fun, friend-filled week after another. But now it’s time to go back to school. To help you make a successful transition from summer’s lazy days to school’s crazy classes, here are a few … [Read more...]
Eyes on our Kids – Are They Easy Prey? 5 Questions Every Parent Should Ask
It is not your typical dinner table conversation. But maybe it should be. CNN and Jada Pinkett Smith continue to shed light on a major problem affecting our children and our communities. Check out the following video: Before tonight's episode airs, I thought it might be useful to start the discussion. BMWK Family, what are some of your answers and what solutions … [Read more...]
Going to the Chapel? Hash Out These 3 Controversial Topics Before Jumping the Broom!
Couples often decide to get married because they have fallen head over heels in love with each other. They can no longer imagine their life without their best friend, confidant, and lover. The rose colored glasses through which they view their relationship lead them to believe that their marriage will play out like a fairy tale - you know, ride off into the sunset and live … [Read more...]
What’s in a Name: 3 Things to Consider When Naming Your Baby
Once you get married, children are sure to follow for most couples. With children, comes the task of naming your baby. The name chosen for your child/children will stick with them for the rest of their life. Few people go through the legal process of officially changing their name. Most stick with what they have been given or choose a nickname. Naming your child is an … [Read more...]
Without Saying a Word: 5 Lessons My Children Will Learn from Watching My Marriage
I think our children learn far more from what they see than they will ever learn from what we tell them. You can express—until you turn blue in the face—how important it is to be in a relationship that’s loving, supportive and mutually respectful, but if you are not modeling that message, it can be lost on your child. If you are a single parent who just hasn’t found the … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Children are Worth the Headache
As a mother of three, every now and then I will get the question from child-free friends or couples: Is having children worth it? I’ve realized that my answer isn’t necessarily what whomever I’m talking to expects or what most would say. I’m not one of those mothers who says “oh it’s so hard but it’s all worth it in the end.” In reality, it’s worth it to me, but I can’t say … [Read more...]