Do you ever get this feeling in your gut that things just aren’t right? We all get that feeling. Sometimes it’s a result of evidence we’ve compiled, and sometimes we can’t determine the root. Either way, the feeling is there, and it’s strong: something doesn't feel right in my marriage. 5 Signs You Should Never Ignore When Something Doesn’t Feel Right in Your Marriage In this … [Read more...]
Can My Cheating, Lying, and Baby-Making Husband Change?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been married for 7 years with 2 girls. My husband cheats and has 2 boys from his affairs. Each time I forgive him and try to get past it. Once caught, he lies unless I show him the evidence; then, he admits it and blames the women for making it easy for him to cheat on me. Sometimes he blames it on his ego. Sometimes he wants favors from the women … [Read more...]
I’m Sick and Tired of My Husband’s Cheating, What Should I Do?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been married since I was nineteen years old and it has been a very rocky path. During these years of marriage, my husband has had multiple affairs. These infidelities were only admitted to me after he had a near death experience, in which his present lover at the time showed up to be by his side. I never met this lady before and immediately sensed … [Read more...]
I Despise my Cheating Spouse: Should I Seek Vengeance?
Hello Doctor, I'm writing this out of pain and anger. I've been married since November 2015—only eight short months. My husband and I live in different cities, and the plan was for me to relocate to be with him. During my visits to see him, I noticed he was getting attention from other women. He was receiving text messages from women, and I found out he was visiting them … [Read more...]
After the Affair; a Few Crucial Steps to Restore the Intimacy in Your Marriage After Infidelity Strikes
When you've been betrayed in your marriage, by infidelity, it's difficult to trust again. Another major obstacle is usually regaining the intimacy with your spouse. The attraction, physical connection and even self-confidence may all have been affected. For couples having this experience, there is hope. With time, communication and effort, you will love, trust and be … [Read more...]
HELP! My Daughter Just Revealed That My Husband of 17 Years Has Been Cheating On Me
Hello Dr. Buckingham, My husband and I have been married for 17 years, and we have three very beautiful girls. I thought we were happy until December of this past year when my middle daughter started suspecting him of cheating while I was at work. She started following him, tracking him by his phone and watching his every move (I had no idea this was going on). In January, … [Read more...]
Help Please! Should I Stay with My Confused and Cheating Partner?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. He asked me to marry him 2 years ago. Shortly after, he began to cheat. We broke up and he moved out. He continued to see the person he cheated on me with, but within a week he said he wanted to get back together. I agreed, even though he got the other person pregnant. When he came back he claimed he was confused … [Read more...]
My Husband Impregnated a Hood Rat: Can Our Marriage Survive His Deception?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been married for 20 years. We have two daughters. My husband cheated on me with someone that I believe has low standards (Hood Rat). I found out 4 years ago because she sent me a nasty letter giving me details of their sexual encounters. I was crushed! (The man) who I thought was my best friend had become my enemy, not my husband. He … [Read more...]
Am I Wrong for Physically Assaulting My Husband?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, My husband and I have been together for ten years and married for five. We have three children together. My husband recently had an altercation with his boss and quit. I chose to start working and let him stay home with the kids. Well, a week later, I see he searched for a girl on Facebook, and asked him about it. He got really mad and said it was a … [Read more...]
He Cheated While We Were Dating. Will He Cheat When We Get Married?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I'm not sure where to start, so I'll just go for it. I'm somewhat currently engaged to whom I thought was the man of my dreams. On March 25, 2015, he released information he'd been holding in for quite some time. He'd slept with over six different women in the three-year timeframe of our relationship. And he slept with 1 of the 6 actually on numerous … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Restore Trust in a Marriage After Repeated Infidelity
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I've been reading a couple of your articles on Facebook. I believe that you have a very unique gift from God. The information that I receive from your articles moves me to want to take action and acquire the change within myself. I never really reached out to anyone mainly because I was scared to do so. However, I have been married to my husband for 8 … [Read more...]
I Discovered My Husband Cheated Before Marriage; What Should I Do?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, My name is AJ. I have been married to my husband for 2 years, we have been together for 8. I recently found out that he cheated on me with two different women during the time we were dating. He swears he did not cheat while we have been married. I'm devastated by this. I feel like our whole relationship and marriage is a sham. I want to work this out … [Read more...]