Dear Dr. Buckingham, I’ve been with my partner for 8 years. He asked me to marry him 2 years ago. Shortly after, he began to cheat. We broke up and he moved out. He continued to see the person he cheated on me with, but within a week he said he wanted to get back together. I agreed, even though he got the other person pregnant. When he came back he claimed he was confused … [Read more...]
No Knocking the Boots for Me: How Do I Survive in a Sexless Marriage?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I need your valuable professional advice for the situation I am in. I got married five years back and after a year I got divorced. One of the reasons for the divorce was there was no sex in our relationship. He ejaculated even before insertion. Our marriage didn't work out. After 3 years, I got remarried. It's been just 5 months. My husband is a … [Read more...]
Being Mary Jane’s Ugly Truth Episode Challenges Us to Stop Lying About Relationships
When we meet, date and even marry, we really don’t know everything about the person next to us. We are often oblivious to the challenges they’ve faced, the hardships they’ve overcome and the difficulties they endure on a daily basis. If we were honest, we frequently ignore the outward signs of their inward pain and shame and move on with our day. Last night’s episode of … [Read more...]
Hoodwinked? This Premarital Lie Could Destroy Their Marriage
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I dated a guy for two years and then he asked me to marry him. Everything was fine until a month after we were married; the sex stopped; he stopped wanting to do things with me; he stopped wanting to go places and fell into depression. It took a year and a half before I was able to figure out why. He was molested as a child and I was not informed of … [Read more...]
Should I Confront My Husband About Having Inappropriate Conversations?
Dear Doctor, I have a little dilemma! A while back I found out that my husband was having inappropriate conversation with another woman. Since then he deleted her number out of his phone, however he's still contacting her but deleting the messages. I know this to be true because I've gone through our phone records. I see the numbers he's texting and I've called the number to … [Read more...]
5 Secrets That Could Destroy Your Marriage
I am very happily married, but our entire marriage has been built on a lie since I have been keeping a few secrets. Now did you believe that for one second? I sure didn’t, because strong, healthy, happy marriages are not built on lies and secrets. Marriages that are truly happy—the kind that last—are built on open and honest communication. Keeping secrets rarely serves … [Read more...]
How Can I Keep my Relationship Together when Our Communication is so Poor?
Hi Dr. Buckingham, I have been engaged for almost a year to a 48 year old man. I am 34. He is from Boston, MA and really does not go up there much. But as of lately, he has visited his family because his dad is ill. We have good communication but he decided to visit this past Friday and told me he was coming back Sunday. He has a child from a previous marriage and he was up … [Read more...]