Everyone always talks about how hard it is to build and sustain a healthy, happy relationship. And I agree. And no, it’s not all hard work. I have plenty of fun with my husband and I cherish all of those good times. But, I can definitely acknowledge that it’s not always fun and games. Sometimes it’s challenging as hell. But we all make decisions, every day, that can … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Stop Social Media From Ruining Your Relationship
I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I can’t avoid it because of the work I do, so it’s a very necessary part of my life, but some days I could do without it. I entered the world of social media with resistance, but here I am, along with so many of you. Once we are in it, our job is to manage it well. I was one of the last people in my group of friends to get a … [Read more...]
Singles: Here Are 8 Reasons You Keep Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Person
By: Jazz Keyes 3,285 days, 5,760 hours, 43, 217 minutes, and 689 seconds. That’s approximately how much of my life I exhausted loving unsuitable mates. With the conclusion of each old relationship, I conditioned myself to assume the role of the victim. Reluctant to own any fault in my relationship ending, I aggressively incriminated my ex-partners with the unlawful act of … [Read more...]
‘Til Death (or Drama) Do Us Part
As newlyweds, I think it’s important for us to take it upon ourselves to put in the work to continue to build on the pre-marital counseling my wife and I decided to get. It’s important to us that we are constantly thinking of ways to continue to work on our marriage, even though it is fresh and new. That said, I was in a group that we attend with other married couples and one … [Read more...]
Is the Drama in Your Relationship Really About Love?
You’ll never forget how you felt when you first met. You could hardly catch your breath, your heart pounding in your chest, your pulse racing. And the sex! It was amazing, explosive, mind-blowing. It was everything the movies, the music, and your fantasies said that true love would be: intense, hot, exciting, crazy. At least in the beginning. Until you begin to realize that … [Read more...]